It’s been a while since we did weeknotes! Here’s what’s happening:

We mixed up our prayers

If you subscribe to our weekly notices you’ll know they (usually) include a list of names to pray for. In the past these have always been sorted alphabetically, but we’ve made a change so they’re randomised on a week-by-week basis. This way helps prevent intercessions from being something you do ‘by rote’, encouraging more engagement with the act of praying for the individual.

We’re planning some audio improvements in the church

The audio equipment in the church is getting a bit long in the tooth, and we’re growing increasingly worried about its reliability. To address this we’re putting together a five-year plan for rolling repairs, replacements and upgrades.

We fixed timezones on

The website for our Community Centre wasn’t properly understanding timezones and daylight savings, so we reminded it that we live in the Europe/London timezone and not UTC.

We started writing a handbook

We love openness, and we love documentation, so we started combining the two into our (work in progress) St Mary’s Church Handbook. The grand plan is that this will become the go-to source of “how do I do this thing” information for anyone on the entire St Mary’s team, not just the Technical Team.

We sped up some website behaviour

We were able to make some optimisations to how we serve images on our website which makes it snappier and more responsive for users.