In society and also within the church there is a growing recognition of the importance of stories. It was a key theme that emerged from this year’s Diocesan Lay Conference. It’s stories and experiences that connect us to the roots of our faith and continue to sustain us in our faith journeys.

We want to share and explore together the journeys that have brought us to St. Mary’s and continue to bring us there each week.

The idea of this year’s Lent course is to bring the question of ‘Who is my neighbour?’ into the pews of St Mary’s. So who is the neighbour I sit close to each week ?…the neighbour with whom I share the peace?

We are often reluctant to talk about our own stories. It’s that British reticence compounded by our natural shyness. We understand that, so be reassured you will not have to say anything unless you wish to, just being there is enough. You will, though, hear stories about people in the Bible. You will hear stories from people you see in St Mary’s each week, who have agreed to share their story. Each one will be different. You may hear one that resonates with you and discover that your story is one others share.

St Mary’s is a community where all find a welcome and are nurtured in their journey with Christ. This Lent we have an opportunity to deepen the welcome we offer to each other as neighbours and to walk together as fellow pilgrims on a journey.

Other Years

Find all our talks from other years on our Lent Talks page.