Join with a computer, tablet or phone

The easiest way to join Faithbook Online is to use your computer, tablet or mobile phone and click the button below.

Join Faithbook Online

You might need to wait a few moments for someone to let you in.

If this is your first time using this service on your phone or tablet you might need to download a free app called Google Meet – if you do, you’ll be guided through the process.

Join by phone

If you’d rather join by phone, here’s what you need to do.

  1. Call 020 3956 9558. This call will be charged at your usual rate.
  2. When prompted, enter the meeting PIN 450 500 892 #.

If you want to mute yourself so other people can’t hear, dial *6 into your phone. To unmute yourself, dial *6 again.

When you’re finished, just hang up.