Lights… camera… worship!
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have been streaming our services online, letting people from around the world join and discover worship at St Mary’s. We have also been able to share baptisms, weddings and funerals, allowing people to connect and feel part of these important life events even in a time of restriction.
As we refined our ability to stream over the first few months, it became clear that this new way of welcoming people to Whitkirk through streaming video was here to stay even after restrictions had been lifted. We’ve heard from many of our congregation that the ability to join a service from home or hospital whilst sick, or to revisit a sermon, or to listen to our hymns and prayers on the morning commute has helped them feel closer.
To make sure we can stream our services into the future, St Mary’s has invested in brand new cameras and equipment which are fitted into our church building itself and let us capture the service without disruption.
Supporting our streaming services
The cost of most of the initial work has been covered through grants and the generous donations of individuals. However, maintaining equipment has an ongoing cost. If you’d like to donate specifically to support our streaming services and the technology and infrastructure needed to do so, we would welcome your gift.
To do so, you can either send a cheque, made payable to St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk, to:
Cameras Project
The Parish Office
390 Selby Road
Leeds LS15 0AA
United Kingdom
Alternatively you can donate by bank transfer directly to our account:
Account name: St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk
Sort code: 05-00-50
Account number: 11893281
Reference: “CAM” followed by your first initial and last name, for example, “CAM J SMITH”
If you pay tax and are able to Gift Aid your donation please include your full name and address when sending your gift, or complete our online Gift Aid form.
You can also donate online if you prefer, but we get the most benefit if you donate directly to us by cheque or bank transfer.