St. Mary’s joins with people of all faiths and none in giving thanks for the life of Queen Elizabeth II. The church is open over the coming days as part of our Heritage Weekend, and is available for all who may wish to pray, sign a book of remembrance, or simply sit in the space.

We shall in due course be holding a service of commemoration, as we remember her life, and we shall confirm that date as soon as possible.

In the meantime you may like to offer these prayers.

Merciful Father and Lord of all life,
we praise you that we are made
in your image and reflect your truth and light.
We thank you for the life
of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth,
for the love she received from you and showed among us.
Above all, we rejoice at your gracious promise
to all your servants, living and departed,
that we shall rise again at the coming of Christ.
And we ask that in due time
we may share with your servant Elizabeth
that clearer vision promised to us
in the same Christ our Lord;
who is alive and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, world without end.

O Lord our Heavenly Father,
Almighty and Everlasting God,
by whom kings reign and princes decree justice:
We remember before thee our late
Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth,
in thankfulness for the blessings
which thou hast bestowed upon us by her reign;
for the example she set of unwearied devotion to duty;
for her steadfast courage;
and for the love and loyalty borne to her
by a great family of peoples in all parts of the world.
And we beseech thee to give us grace that,
having these thy mercies in remembrance,
we may with one heart and one mind
set forward the welfare of this land,
and hasten the coming of thy kingdom
of peace and goodwill among men;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God, the maker and redeemer of all mankind,
grant us, with thy servant Queen Elizabeth
and all the faithful departed,
the sure benefits of thy Son’s saving passion and glorious resurrection;
that in the last day, when all things are gathered up in Christ,
we may with them enjoy the fullness of thy promises;
through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth with thee,
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one
God, world without end.