The duties of the Churchwardens for this meeting are;

  • to deliver to this annual meeting a report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church.
  • maintaining the terrier, inventory and logbook; these provide in detail any matters relating to the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church.

Arrangements can be made for anyone wishing to view any of these records. The main items to report are;

  • the restoration of the bells to full circle swinging has been completed. A group of experienced bell ringers have ‘rung the changes’. We received a grant of £1,250 towards the cost of this work, the final overall cost being £16,500.
  • the frequently stolen York stone paving slabs of the Churchyard Footpath have been replaced with a continuous resin surface at a cost of £19,000. Besides not being a magnet for thieves, the risk of slips, trips and falls have been greatly reduced, and it looks so good!
  • the purchase and installation of a defibrillator at the Community Centre, the complete cost of £1,700 being covered by generous donations and a grant from Leeds City Council via our Local Councillors

The only real topic is that of the pandemic. The effect on our personal lives has been enormous, particularly in not being to meet up with family and friends for extended periods. It has also affected the mission and ministry of St Mary’s in more ways than we have yet realised. Just not being able to gather in the church as usual, the sung eucharist, the coffee and chat. It must take a toll on our wellbeing.  

Yet, looking at its history, St Mary’s Church has been through many previous upheavals, times of plaque, pandemics, civil wars and world wars, and has stood as a rock for the faith which gives us all hope. Part of that hope is that we will once again be able to meet as usual for the sung eucharist and coffee and chat. Hopefully that will not be too far away.

Thanks to Matthew for his support, advice and pastoral care, and to his family for the support they give him.

— Dave & James