Easter is the season in which we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the most important event in human history and the core of the Christian faith.
If you are new to Church this is a great time of year to get involved and find out what we’re all about. Anyone is welcome to join us for any of our services, either in person or online. You can also follow the way of the Cross online with our guided Stations of the Cross.
If you want to find out more please feel free to get in touch with any questions or to talk about your faith, or come along to any of our other services.
Easter services
We’d love to welcome you to any of our services over the Easter season, either in person or online.
Sunday 13 April
9.30 amPalm Sunday Procession
Gather at the Vicarage to meet with the donkeys, Blue and Cassie (with grateful thanks to Temple Newsam Home Farm, where they usually live). At 9.45 we will process to church with palm branches, singing and shouting 'Hosanna!' as we remember Jesus's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
10.00 amSung Eucharist for Palm Sunday
We gather outside the church for the blessing of palms and the Palm Gospel. Then we move inside for our Sung Eucharist and hear the story of the last week of Jesus's life in full.
4.00 pmMessy Easter
Monday 14 April
7.30 pmStations of the Cross
A quiet, meditative service to start Holy Week.
Join us as we journey with Jesus to his place of execution, meditating on the traditional 'Stations of the Cross' as we go.
You are welcome either to walk around the church to each station, or to remain seated as you listen to the reflections - whatever is most comfortable for you.
Tuesday 15 April
7.30 pmContemplative Eucharist for Holy Week
A simple, reflective Eucharist for Holy Week with space for contemplation as quiet music plays.
Wednesday 16 April
7.30 pmTenebrae
Tenebrae is an ancient Easter Service, often held on the Wednesday of Holy Week, involving a series of meditative readings interspersed with music.
We begin the service with a series of lit candles; as the service progresses, these are gradually extinguished until we end in darkness.
All are welcome
Thursday 17 April
7.30 pmMaundy Thursday Eucharist followed by the Watch
A Sung Eucharist to commemorate the Last Supper.
During the service, there will be the opportunity for members of the congregation to have their feet washed, in imitation of Jesus doing this for his own disciples.
At the end, we move to the side chapel where a watch will be kept until 10pm.
Friday 18 April
2.00 pmThe Liturgy of Good Friday
We gather to remember Jesus's crucifixion.
Saturday 19 April
10.00 amRemembering Jesus
We gather, as people have always gathered after the death of a loved-one, to remember Jesus together.
Sunday 20 April
6.00 amEaster Vigil
A new fire is kindled, a new Easter candle is brought into church, and, as the light returns, we tell again the story of God's relationship with humankind, culminating in the story of Jesus's Resurrection.