Revision of the electoral roll

The parish electoral roll is the official list of those eligible to vote in Church elections. By being included on the roll, a person has the right to attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and so it gives the chance to have a say in who will lead and run the Church. Being included on the roll also gives a person the right to stand for election to the PCC and to be a Churchwarden.

To be eligible for inclusion on the parish electoral roll, a person needs to be at least 16 years old at the time of the next APCM, and also be:

  • a baptised member of the Church of England (or a church in communion with the Church of England) resident in the parish of St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk for at least 6 months and habitually worshipping there; or
  • a baptised member of the Church of England (or a church in communion with the Church of England) not resident in the parish, but have habitually worshipped at St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk for at least 6 months; or
  • a member of a church not in communion with the Church of England but which subscribes to the Doctrine of the Trinity, and willing to declare themselves a member of the Church of England, and have habitually worshipped at St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk for at least 6 months.

Full information on the legal status of the electoral roll and the rules surrounding it can be found in the Church Representation Rules.

How can I be on the parish electoral roll?

You can download and print an electoral roll application form:

Download electoral roll application form

Completed forms should be sent to:

Electoral Roll Officer
The Parish Office
390 Selby Road
LS15 0AA

The deadline for inclusion in time for the next APCM is 14 days before the meeting. Names can be added to the Roll after the meeting, but no names can be added or removed during the 14 days prior to the meeting.

Latest revision

Download the latest electoral roll