In our previous update it was reported that we had appointed a fundraiser to undertake a viability study to assess the amount of money we would realistically be able to raise through grants from funding bodies. The fundraiser delivered his report to the Hall Redevelopment team in December 2016. In summary, the main findings are:

  • The target figure of £970,000 to achieve the full design is not viable.
  • A realistic target which could be achieved is £245,000.
  • The main reason why the larger figure cannot be realised is due to the nature of the area we live in. There are no obvious signs of poverty or deprivation and funders are less likely to invest money in such locations.

Design and Costs

Assuming that we will achieve £245,000 through fundraising, along with the funds we currently have in a designated Property Fund, the total cost of a revised scheme is likely to be in the region of £400,000 total spend.

A revised design has been agreed with the architect based on this figure. Some parts of the original design have been removed to reduce costs, and the new design will include just 3 areas of the hall. These 3 areas are those which will offer the most value to hall users and are in line with the findings of our previous consultation work.

  • The kitchen/toilet/office extension on the west side of the building will go ahead as originally planned.
  • The work on the bar and cellar will go ahead as originally planned.
  • The multi-purpose room (currently the “hall vestry”) will be improved to turn it into a more useful space for meetings or smaller activities, as well as being used as a choir vestry before services.

The Parochial Church Council has now given approval to:

  1. Redevelop the hall up to a maximum cost of £400,000 including all fees and other costs;
  2. To appoint the fundraiser to assist in raising £245,000 of funding.

What Next?

The Hall Redevelopment team will begin work immediately with the fundraiser which will include the development of a robust business plan, public and organisational consultations, needs analysis and identification of potential outcomes. The aim is to complete this part of the work by June 2017.

Between June 2017 – June 2018 the fundraising will take place including the preparation of submissions and reports to fund raising bodies. This can be quite a lengthy process in waiting for confirmation of awards so a 12 month period is being allowed in our planning.

It is hoped that work will begin on the hall in Summer 2018 once we have the necessary grants in place.

The revised design plan and supporting information is on the hall notice board and also elsewhere on this website.

Members of the Hall Redevelopment team will be available in the hall on Sunday the 12th and 19th February after the 10:00am service to answer any questions or concerns.

Let us hear your views

We would be interested to hear your views, good, bad or otherwise on any aspects of this scheme which can be sent by email to [email protected] or speaking directly to members of the Hall Redevelopment team who are:

Shelagh Freer; Mike Jackson; Tony Bond; Revd. Matthew Peat, Alison Battye, Janet Blenkinsop and Trevor Sirrell.

On behalf of the Parochial Church Council, St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk.