I attended this service, it was a wonderful, encouraging time. The Sunday morning after I was telling two friends in the Hall about it and they immediately remarked “oh, you must put it in the magazine!” So here goes —

Bishop Arun led the service and during his sermon told of being born in Birmingham of Asian parents, his mother a Hindu. His father died young and it was left to his mother to bring him up. As a child Arun loved football and longed to go and watch a match at the Aston Villa ground but his mother wouldn’t allow it, she was afraid of racial fighting.

However, when in his teens Arun got his chance – it was when Billy Graham came to preach at the Aston Villa ground. He pestered his mother for permission to go and because it wasn’t football she allowed it! At last Arun would see the inside of Aston Villa FC!

He knew hardly anything about Jesus, had never heard the Gospel but by the time Billy Graham had finished his talk and began inviting people to come forward and received Jesus into their lives, the Holy Spirit was at work and Arun gladly came forward. It was the start of his Christian life!

The confirmation candidates then came forward for the laying on of hands by the Bishop, who quoted words from the former Archbishop; “the best thing you can do in life is to be a follower of Jesus”.

The music during the service was great! Top class! The Choir Anthem was Rejoice the Lord is King, sung to a newer tune. The service finished with Hail the day that sees him rise – halleluia! It was wonderful! Praise God!