This year we are going to journey through the season of Lent with Screwtape, a devil who shared a pen with C.S. Lewis.

Across six sessions we will be exploring our faith and lives through Lewis’ classic satirical work ‘The Screwtape Letters’ – a series of letters from a senior devil to his nephew, a junior tempter assigned to lead a human astray.

Each session stands alone, so you are welcome to join us for all the sessions, or dip in and out.

You do not need to have read the whole book beforehand, and the relevant extracts will be provided for you at each session. However, we recommend you do read it if you can, if for no other reason than it’s a fantastic book!

First published in 1941, it remains in print today and it is easy to find a new or second-hand copy online or in any bookshop. If you have trouble finding a copy, let us know and we can source a second-hand one for you.

Other Years

Find all our talks from other years on our Lent Talks page.