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Parish notices: 2 March 2025

The Sunday before Lent

Sung Eucharist for the Sunday before Lent

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Choral Evensong
Today at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 5 March at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for Ash Wednesday
This Wednesday 5 March at 7.30 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Compline by Candlelight
This Wednesday 5 March at 8.30 pm

Sung Eucharist for the first Sunday of Lent
Next Sunday 9 March at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Messy Church
Next Sunday 9 March at 4.00 pm

North-West corner refurbishment

As you may know, we are doing some essential work in the North-West corner of the church (the area where the tech desk currently sits) to address problems of damp in the walls, to create a new accessible area, and to tidy up some of our technology. This work has now begun and the first phase is on track to be completed before Easter. Our contractors will keep disturbance to services to a minimum; Wednesday morning and Sunday services will run as usual and we will be able to continue to hold funerals and other occasional services. Daily Prayer will also continue at 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Tuesday to Saturday. We still have a small number of pews looking for a good home (suggested donation £50). These can be viewed in the Community Centre. Talk to Claire or to a Churchwarden for more information, or see

If you want to have a more detailed overview of the work planned do have a look at the relevant page on our website at

Junior Choir

Our Junior Choir will be back for another set of five rehearsals on 11, 18, and 25 March and 1 and 8 April. The Junior Choir will then join us in church (and in procession!) to sing with us at our Palm Sunday service on 13 April. Please tell anyone you know with children in Years 3 to 6 about the Junior Choir. We’d love to have some more members when we meet again.

The Leeds South & East Food Bank: What's Needed?

The Leeds South & East Food Bank continues to be in urgent need of donations of food to help feed those in most need. In particular at the moment they are asking for tinned fruit, tinned potatoes, custard (either packet or tinned), rice pudding and tinned tomatoes.

If you are able, you can donate by picking one of these items up in your weekly shop and dropping it in the box at the back of the church. You can find other ways to help, including donating money or your time, on their website at If you need the help of a foodbank yourself, see

Pancake Party

This Tuesday 4 March at 5.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Join us on Shrove Tuesday, for a pancake party! There will be pizza and pancakes, with toppings (syrup, chocolate sauce, squirty cream, sugar & lemon) provided – though you are also welcome to bring your own.

Games for the children, quizzes, hot and cold drinks, and loads of fun guaranteed. All free. Come and get ready for Lent in the traditional way!

Lent Talks 2025: "We believe in the Holy Spirit", led by Bishop Arun

Wednesday 12 March at 7.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

The first of our 2025 lent talks focussing on aspects of the Creed, offering an opportunity to think more deeply about the words that we repeat each week, which encapsulate what it means to be a Christian.

All the talks will take place in the church at 7.00 pm and will be followed by a service of Compline, which will end at about 8.15 pm.

This evening’s talk is led by Bishop Arun, with Compline led by Claire Honess.

'The Beauty of the Night' – An evening of beautiful choral music sung by the Masterworks Chorale

Saturday 22 March at 7.30 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

A concert of music from the 16th century to the present day, including music related to stars, the beauty of the night and the wonders of the world as well as a section of music marking the anniversary of one of England’s finest composers, Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625).

Tickets £10, available on the door or see Heather after this morning’s service.

Parish notices: 23 February 2025

The second Sunday before Lent

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday before Lent

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 26 February at 10.00 am

Sacred Space
This Thursday 27 February at 6.00 pm

Sung Eucharist for the Sunday before Lent
Next Sunday 2 March at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Choral Evensong
Next Sunday 2 March at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

North-West corner refurbishment

As you may know, we are doing some essential work in the North-West corner of the church (the area where the tech desk currently sits) to replace plasterwork on the walls, to improve the tech desk, and to create an accessible area for pushchairs and wheelchairs. This work has now begun and the first phase will be completed before Easter. Our contractors will keep disturbance to services to a minimum; Wednesday morning and Sunday services will run as usual and we will be able to continue to hold funerals and other occasional services. Daily Prayer will also continue at 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Tuesday to Saturday. We have a small number of pews available for purchase (suggested donation £50). These can be viewed in the Community Centre. Talk to Claire or to a Churchwarden for more information, or see

If you want to have a more detailed overview of the work planned do have a look at the relevant page on our website at

Lent talks: "We believe…"

Lent begins on 5 March this year. Look out for information about our Ash Wednesday services and our Pancake Social coming soon! 2025 also marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a meeting of Christian bishops, convened by the Emperor Constantine, which took place in the town of Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) between May and July 385 CE. Its aim was to obtain consensus about core Christian beliefs, and one of its products was a first version of the Nicene Creed, which we say almost every week in this church and which is said in Christian churches throughout the world. Our series of Lent talks this year will focus on aspects of the Creed, offering an opportunity to think more deeply about the words that we repeat each week, which encapsulate what it means to be a Christian.

All the talks will take place in church at 7.00 pm and will be followed by Compline, which will end at about 8.15 pm. 

  • 12 March – The Right Reverend Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall: We believe in the Holy Spirit
  • 19 March – The Very Reverend Andew Nunn, former Dean of Southwark: For us and for our salvation
  • 26 March – The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield: Begotten not made
  • 2 April – The Reverend Dr Janet Williams, Vice-Principal, St Hild College: He will come again in glory
  • 9 April – The Reverend Dr Claire Honess, Vicar of Whitkirk: We believe in one […] Church

All are welcome!

Visit to the National Memorial Arboretum

Our trip to the National Memorial Arboretum to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War will take place on 13 May. Meet at the Community Centre at 8 am for a prompt 8.15 am departure. We hope to be back in Whitkirk for around 5.30 pm (traffic permitting). There is a cafe on site, or bring a packed lunch. The cost of the trip is £15 per person. If you want to take advantage of the land-train to see the Arboretum with minimal walking, the cost of this is £7.50. Mobility scooters are available for hire at £10 for the day. These must be booked in advance. Manual wheelchairs are available free of charge. We are asking for a £5 deposit at this stage, with the balance payable by Easter Sunday, please. Please see Joan Williams after the service to pay your deposit and secure your place. 

Marmalade for sale

On Sunday 2 March, Jessie Pickersgill will be selling her famous and delicious home-made marmalade in the Community Centre after the main Sunday service. All proceeds to church funds.

Pancake Party

Tuesday 4 March at 5.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Join us on Shrove Tuesday, for a pancake party! There will be pizza and pancakes, with toppings (syrup, chocolate sauce, squirty cream, sugar & lemon) provided – though you are also welcome to bring your own.

Games for the children, quizzes, hot and cold drinks, and loads of fun guaranteed. All free. Come and get ready for Lent in the traditional way!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 23 February 2025”

Parish notices: 16 February 2025

The third Sunday before Lent

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday before Lent

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 19 February at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday before Lent
Next Sunday 23 February at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Lent talks: "We believe…"

Lent begins on 5 March this year. Look out for information about our Ash Wednesday services and our Pancake Social coming soon! 2025 also marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a meeting of Christian bishops, convened by the Emperor Constantine, which took place in the town of Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) between May and July 385 CE. Its aim was to obtain consensus about core Christian beliefs, and one of its products was a first version of the Nicene Creed, which we say almost every week in this church and which is said in Christian churches throughout the world. Our series of Lent talks this year will focus on aspects of the Creed, offering an opportunity to think more deeply about the words that we repeat each week, which encapsulate what it means to be a Christian.

All the talks will take place in church at 7.00 pm and will be followed by Compline, which will end at about 8.15 pm. 

  • 12 March – The Right Reverend Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall: We believe in the Holy Spirit
  • 19 March – The Very Reverend Andew Nunn, former Dean of Southwark: For us and for our salvation
  • 26 March – The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield: Begotten not made
  • 2 April – The Reverend Dr Janet Williams, Vice-Principal, St Hild College: He will come again in glory
  • 9 April – The Reverend Dr Claire Honess, Vicar of Whitkirk: We believe in one […] Church

All are welcome!

Junior Choir

Our Junior Choir will be back for another set of five rehearsals on 11, 18, and 25 March and 1 and 8 April. The Junior Choir will then join us in church (and in procession!) to sing with us at our Palm Sunday service on 13 April. Please tell anyone you know with children in Years 3 to 6 about the Junior Choir. We’d love to have some more members when we meet again.


We are hoping to bring candidates to the diocesan confirmation service at Ripon Cathedral on 1 June. If you are interested in being confirmed, please speak to Claire. There will be some preparation sessions beforehand; details to follow, depending on how many people are interested.

Visit to the National Memorial Arboretum

Our visit to the National Memorial Arboretum to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War is now confirmed as taking place on 13 May. Please sign up in the Community Centre after the service if you would like to be part of this trip.

Pancake Party

Tuesday 4 March at 5.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Join us on Shrove Tuesday, for a pancake party! There will be pizza and pancakes, with toppings (syrup, chocolate sauce, squirty cream, sugar & lemon) provided – though you are also welcome to bring your own.

Games for the children, quizzes, hot and cold drinks, and loads of fun guaranteed. All free. Come and get ready for Lent in the traditional way!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 16 February 2025”

Parish notices: 9 February 2025

The fourth Sunday before Lent

Sung Eucharist for the fourth Sunday before Lent

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Messy Church
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 12 February at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday before Lent
Next Sunday 16 February at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

North-West corner refurbishment

As you may know, we are undertaking essential work in the North-West corner of the church (the area where the tech desk currently sits) to replace plasterwork on the walls, to improve the tech desk, and to create an accessible area for pushchairs and wheelchairs. This work has now started, and the first phase will be completed before Easter. Our contractors will keep disturbance to services to a minimum; Wednesday morning and Sunday services will run as usual and we will be able to continue to hold funerals and other occasional services as usual. Daily Prayer will also continue as usual.

If you want to have a more detailed overview of the work planned do have a look at the relevant page on our website at

Lent talks: "We believe…"

Lent begins on 5 March this year. Look out for information about our Ash Wednesday services and our Pancake Social coming soon! 2025 also marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a meeting of Christian bishops, convened by the Emperor Constantine, which took place in the town of Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) between May and July 385 CE. Its aim was to obtain consensus about core Christian beliefs, and one of its products was a first version of the Nicene Creed, which we say almost every week in this church and which is said in Christian churches throughout the world. Our series of Lent talks this year will focus on aspects of the Creed, offering an opportunity to think more deeply about the words that we repeat each week, which encapsulate what it means to be a Christian.

All the talks will take place in church at 7.00 pm and will be followed by Compline, which will end at about 8.15 pm. 

  • 12 March – The Right Reverend Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall: We believe in the Holy Spirit
  • 19 March – The Very Reverend Andew Nunn, former Dean of Southwark: For us and for our salvation
  • 26 March – The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield: Begotten not made
  • 2 April – The Reverend Dr Janet Williams, Vice-Principal, St Hild College: He will come again in glory
  • 9 April – The Reverend Dr Claire Honess, Vicar of Whitkirk: We believe in one […] Church

All are welcome!

Junior Choir

We have loved meeting on a Tuesday with our Junior Choir, and it is a joy to have some of them here to sing with us today. We are having a break for the rest of February, but will be back for another set of five rehearsals on 11, 18, and 25 March and 1 and 8 April. The Junior Choir will then join us in church (and in procession!) to sing with us at our Palm Sunday service on 13 April. Please tell anyone you know with children in Years 3 to 6 about the Junior Choir. We’d love to have some more members when we meet again.

Pancake Party

Tuesday 4 March at 5.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Join us on Shrove Tuesday, for a pancake party! There will be pizza and pancakes, with toppings (syrup, chocolate sauce, squirty cream, sugar & lemon) provided – though you are also welcome to bring your own.

Games for the children, quizzes, hot and cold drinks, and loads of fun guaranteed. All free. Come and get ready for Lent in the traditional way!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 9 February 2025”

Parish notices: 2 February 2025


Sung Eucharist for Candlemas

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Festal Evensong for Candlemas
Today at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 5 February at 10.00 am

Compline by Candlelight
This Wednesday 5 February at 8.30 pm

Sung Eucharist for the fourth Sunday before Lent
Next Sunday 9 February at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Messy Church
Next Sunday 9 February at 4.00 pm

Where could God be calling you in 2025?

New year, new you? Is God calling you to deepen your faith or to serve in a new way in 2025?

We have received some information about the 2025 training programme for Licensed Lay Ministers (Readers). If you feel that God might be calling you to this sort of ministry, please do contact Claire and she can talk you through the process.

If you have not been confirmed and would like to explore confirmation, or if you (or your children) have not been baptised and would like to consider this, please also contact Claire to explore your options.

There will be a diocesan confirmation service on 1 June in Ripon Cathedral. If you would like to be confirmed at that service, please let Claire know as soon as possible.

Advance notice: Trip to the National Memorial Arboretum

As part of a series of events to mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, we are planning a trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. All details are still to be confirmed, but we would anticipate going in late May or early June and the cost would only be that of the coach hire (free entry; bring your own picnic or use the on-site cafe). In order to have an idea of numbers so that we can book the coach, please could you sign up to express an interest (no commitment at this stage) either in the church or in the Community Centre after the service today or in the next couple of weeks. More details will follow very soon.

North-West corner refurbishment

As you may know, we are about to undertake essential work in the North-West corner of the church (the area where the tech desk currently sits) to replace plasterwork on the walls, to improve the tech desk, and to create an accessible area for pushchairs and wheelchairs. This work will be starting this week and the first phase will be completed before Easter. Our contractors will keep disturbance to services to a minimum; Wednesday morning and Sunday services will run as usual and we will be able to continue to hold funerals and other occasional services as usual. Daily Prayer will also continue as usual.

If you want to have a more detailed overview of the work planned do have a look at the relevant page on our website at

Lent talks: "We believe…"

Lent begins on 5 March this year. Look out for information about our Ash Wednesday services and our Pancake Social coming soon! 2025 also marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a meeting of Christian bishops, convened by the Emperor Constantine, which took place in the town of Nicaea (now Iznik in Turkey) between May and July 385 CE. Its aim was to obtain consensus about core Christian beliefs, and one of its products was a first version of the Nicene Creed, which we say almost every week in this church and which is said in Christian churches throughout the world. Our series of Lent talks this year will focus on aspects of the Creed, offering an opportunity to think more deeply about the words that we repeat each week, which encapsulate what it means to be a Christian.

All the talks will take place in church at 7.00 pm and will be followed by Compline, which will end at about 8.15 pm. 

  • 12 March – The Right Reverend Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall: We believe in the Holy Spirit
  • 19 March – The Very Reverend Andew Nunn, former Dean of Southwark: For us and for our salvation
  • 26 March – The Very Reverend Simon Cowling, Dean of Wakefield: Begotten not made
  • 2 April – The Reverend Dr Janet Williams, Vice-Principal, St Hild College: He will come again in glory
  • 9 April – The Reverend Dr Claire Honess, Vicar of Whitkirk: We believe in one […] Church

All are welcome!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 2 February 2025”

Parish notices: 26 January 2025

The third Sunday after The Epiphany

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday after The Epiphany

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 29 January at 10.00 am

Sacred Space
This Thursday 30 January at 6.00 pm

Sung Eucharist for Candlemas
Next Sunday 2 February at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Festal Evensong for Candlemas
Next Sunday 2 February at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Treasure Hunt and Pizza Party

Today at 2.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Young people and the adults who look after them are invited to a Treasure Hunt and Pizza Party on Sunday 26 January between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm (come at any time, stay as long as you like). Complete the treasure hunt while exploring the church building and then come to the Community Centre for pizza. All free, and all welcome!

Sacred Space

This Thursday 30 January at 6.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Following the success of our ‘Longest Night’ service before Christmas, we are starting a new service, to be known as ‘Sacred Space’, which will run on the last Thursday of every month, between 6.00pm and 7.00pm. It is a service without words: just quiet music and a chance to light a candle or leave a prayer and rest in this ancient and holy place. Visitors can drop in at any time and stay for as long as they like. Tired or stressed? Having a tough time? Just need space to stop, breathe and ‘just be’? Why not give it a go?

Continue reading “Parish notices: 26 January 2025”

Parish notices: 19 January 2025

The second Sunday after The Epiphany

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday after The Epiphany

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 22 January at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday after The Epiphany
Next Sunday 26 January at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Where could God be calling you in 2025?

New year, new you? Is God calling you to deepen your faith or to serve in a new way in 2025?

We have received some information about the 2025 training programme for Licensed Lay Ministers (Readers). If you feel that God might be calling you to this sort of ministry, please do contact Claire and she can talk you through the process. 

If you have not been confirmed and would like to explore confirmation, or if you (or your children) have not been baptised and would like to consider this, please do also contact Claire to explore your options.

Advance notice: Trip to the National Memorial Arboretum

As part of a series of events to mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, we are planning a trip to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. All details are still to be confirmed, but we would anticipate going in late May or early June and the cost would only be that of the coach hire (free entry; bring your own picnic or use the on-site cafe). In order to have an idea of numbers so that we can book the coach, please could you sign up to express an interest (no commitment at this stage) either in the church or in the Community Centre after the service today or in the next couple of weeks. More details will follow very soon.

New Year house blessing

If you were not in Church on Epiphany Sunday when we blessed the church building and took away blessed chalk with which to bless our own homes, chalk and a card explaining how to do it will be available at the back of the church throughout Epiphany season. Just help yourself.

Daily Prayer

Please feel free to leave prayer requests on the cards at the back of the church, and prayers will be offered daily at Morning and Evening Prayer. You don’t need to leave a lot of detail – a name or intention is enough. God knows! Daily Prayer takes place every day except Sunday and Monday at 8.30am and 5.30pm. Please note, however, that there will be no Morning Prayer in church on Friday 24 January.

Treasure Hunt and Pizza Party

Next Sunday 26 January at 2.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Young people and the adults who look after them are invited to a Treasure Hunt and Pizza Party on Sunday 26 January between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm (come at any time, stay as long as you like). Complete the treasure hunt while exploring the church building and then come to the Community Centre for pizza. All free, and all welcome!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 19 January 2025”

Parish notices: 12 January 2025

The Baptism of Christ

Sung Eucharist for the Baptism of Christ

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 15 January at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday after The Epiphany
Next Sunday 19 January at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Churches Together in East Leeds: Quiet Day

This Saturday 18 January at 10.00 am
St Gregory the Great, Swarcliffe

You are cordially invited to a Quiet Day run by Churches Together in East Leeds and led by Ann Hemsworth.

The sessions will be based on _At Sea with God _by Margaret Silf. Please bring a packed lunch; hot drinks provided. If you’re interested in attending please help us get an idea of numbers by signing up using the sheet at the back of the church, or online at

Treasure Hunt and Pizza Party

Sunday 26 January at 2.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Young people and the adults who look after them are invited to a Treasure Hunt and Pizza Party on Sunday 26 January between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm (come at any time, stay as long as you like). Complete the treasure hunt while exploring the church building and then come to the Community Centre for pizza. All free, and all welcome!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 12 January 2025”