The Sunday before Lent
Sung Eucharist for the Sunday before Lent
Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service
Other services
Choral Evensong
Today at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service
Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 5 March at 10.00 am
Sung Eucharist for Ash Wednesday
This Wednesday 5 March at 7.30 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service
Compline by Candlelight
This Wednesday 5 March at 8.30 pm
Sung Eucharist for the first Sunday of Lent
Next Sunday 9 March at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service
Messy Church
Next Sunday 9 March at 4.00 pm
North-West corner refurbishment
As you may know, we are doing some essential work in the North-West corner of the church (the area where the tech desk currently sits) to address problems of damp in the walls, to create a new accessible area, and to tidy up some of our technology. This work has now begun and the first phase is on track to be completed before Easter. Our contractors will keep disturbance to services to a minimum; Wednesday morning and Sunday services will run as usual and we will be able to continue to hold funerals and other occasional services. Daily Prayer will also continue at 8.30 am and 5.30 pm Tuesday to Saturday. We still have a small number of pews looking for a good home (suggested donation £50). These can be viewed in the Community Centre. Talk to Claire or to a Churchwarden for more information, or see
If you want to have a more detailed overview of the work planned do have a look at the relevant page on our website at
Junior Choir
Our Junior Choir will be back for another set of five rehearsals on 11, 18, and 25 March and 1 and 8 April. The Junior Choir will then join us in church (and in procession!) to sing with us at our Palm Sunday service on 13 April. Please tell anyone you know with children in Years 3 to 6 about the Junior Choir. We’d love to have some more members when we meet again.
The Leeds South & East Food Bank: What's Needed?
The Leeds South & East Food Bank continues to be in urgent need of donations of food to help feed those in most need. In particular at the moment they are asking for tinned fruit, tinned potatoes, custard (either packet or tinned), rice pudding and tinned tomatoes.
If you are able, you can donate by picking one of these items up in your weekly shop and dropping it in the box at the back of the church. You can find other ways to help, including donating money or your time, on their website at If you need the help of a foodbank yourself, see
Pancake Party
This Tuesday 4 March at 5.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre
Join us on Shrove Tuesday, for a pancake party! There will be pizza and pancakes, with toppings (syrup, chocolate sauce, squirty cream, sugar & lemon) provided – though you are also welcome to bring your own.
Games for the children, quizzes, hot and cold drinks, and loads of fun guaranteed. All free. Come and get ready for Lent in the traditional way!
Lent Talks 2025: "We believe in the Holy Spirit", led by Bishop Arun
Wednesday 12 March at 7.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk
The first of our 2025 lent talks focussing on aspects of the Creed, offering an opportunity to think more deeply about the words that we repeat each week, which encapsulate what it means to be a Christian.
All the talks will take place in the church at 7.00 pm and will be followed by a service of Compline, which will end at about 8.15 pm.
This evening’s talk is led by Bishop Arun, with Compline led by Claire Honess.
'The Beauty of the Night' – An evening of beautiful choral music sung by the Masterworks Chorale
Saturday 22 March at 7.30 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk
A concert of music from the 16th century to the present day, including music related to stars, the beauty of the night and the wonders of the world as well as a section of music marking the anniversary of one of England’s finest composers, Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625).
Tickets £10, available on the door or see Heather after this morning’s service.