It is now 3 years since we started our In Giving We Receive journey and this year as usual we ask everyone to think and pray about their own giving and in particular to reflect on the question:

If I don’t give what I can, who else will?

First we want to share what’s been achieved in the last 3 years. We’ve come a long way!

  • Number of Planned Givers up 3% to 154
  • Weekly average per planned giving household up 28% to £10.21
  • Annual planned giving up 33% to £81,770
  • Cash collections up 26% to £11,980
  • Parish share up 71% to £90,000

This is a fantastic achievement and worth celebrating, but we have a little further to go.

Thanks to the generosity of so many we really are now within only a whisker of being able to pay our full parish share. What an achievement it would be to make the full contribution and in doing so help less fortunate parishes.

What now?

If you’ve not yet reviewed your giving this year now is the time to do it. Some things to think about:

  • Why do you give?
  • How much of your income do you give?
  • What value do you place on the Church and its mission in our community and how are you contributing to that?

To help, the giving team have shared some thoughts about their own giving:

Matthew says:

Giving is a deliberate attempt to overthrow the idol of selfishness. It is a choice, it is life-giving, it sets me free, I have more than I need for a good life, I am blessed, I am lucky, I am thankful, I want and need to share, to give.

I try and review my giving annually and adjust amounts according to my circumstance.

Shelagh says:

As a member of God’s church my giving is a direct response to God’s gift to me in his Son Jesus Christ, enabling this gift to be shared with others.

My gift to the church is budgeted for every month, is given joyfully and is proportionate to my income. I truly believe that in giving generously we shall receive.

Alistair says:

I give because whilst God’s love is completely free for us all I’m aware that getting that fantastic message out to others is far from free.

I want others to witness what I do, I want others to benefit from knowing God’s love, and I want to contribute to that in all I do

Giles finds the words of 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 a helpful focus:

Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

Want to learn more or join the Planned Giving Scheme?

Speak with Matthew, Dave, James or Shelagh, they will be happy to explain more and help with any questions.

If you’ve not yet reviewed your giving this year, now is the time to do it.

Some things to think about:

  • Why do you give?
  • How much of your income do you give?
  • What value do you place on the Church and its mission in our community and how are you contributing to that?

Increase your giving by amending or even setting up a standing order to St Mary’s bank account (Yorkshire Bank: sort code 05-00-50 account number 11893281) or commit to placing a little extra in your envelope. Don’t forget to let Shelagh know when you get the chance!

If you are a UK tax payer remember to Gift Aid your offering. It costs you nothing but means St Mary’s can claim 25p extra from the Government for every £1 you give.

Finally, a prayer to help us

Generous God, teach me to give thanks for all the blessings you have poured upon me. In giving thanks, teach me to give generously, with a joyful heart, to the work of your Church in this community, that by doing so, I can help the Church carry out your mission in the world.
