
Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Alison.


Welcome to Gordon Cooper who is presiding at the 8:30am Said Eucharist today and Andrew Tawn who is preaching at the 10:00am Sung Eucharist.

Annual Parish Meetings

These are on 30th April at 7:45pm in the Community Centre. They are preceded by a Said Eucharist at 7:00pm in Church. Nomination forms for Churchwardens, PCC members and Sidespersons are available at the back of the church.

Dementia Awareness Training

This Saturday 27th April at 2:00pm in the church. This is open to anyone interested in knowing how we can help dementia sufferers take part in the life of our Church and community.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or e-mail [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.