
Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Matthew.

Baptisms Today

Elijah Alexander Jackson, Emma Jayne Shortall and Ethan Andrew Jones.

Memorial Service

In the church at 4.00 pm next Sunday.


A group for young people in school years 4 to 9, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 5.30 pm.

A chance to explore the Christian faith in an informal way. Why not bring your friends along too?

Play and Praise

Songs, stories and playtime for preschool children, their parents and carers.  In Tots Corner in the church at 10.00 am this Tuesday and the third Tuesday of each month.

Mothers’ Union

Prayer time in church at 10.10 pm on Wednesday.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or email [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.