Daily Offices
Please note there will be no Daily Offices (Morning and Evening Prayer) until Wednesday 8 January.
Sung Compline by Candlelight
This Tuesday at 8.30 pm.
A new six-week session looking at The Lord’s Prayer begins at 10.30 am on Wednesday 8 January in the Smeaton Room in the Community Centre. If you are interested just turn up or either email or speak to Matthew.
Mothers’ Union
Meeting on Wednesday in the Community Centre, when we will be having a New Year Celebration and Faith Tea. Subscriptions of £24.00 are now due, please pay Margaret Rutherford.
Candlemas at Ripon Cathedral
If you have booked a seat on the coach to go to this service which costs £8.50, Joan and Giles will be in the Community Centre at coffee time today to take your payment and answer any queries you may have.
February magazine deadline
Articles to Nick Jackson. Email landmark-editor@whitkirkchurch.org.uk by next Sunday at the latest, please.
Thank God It’s Friday
In the Community Centre starting at 6.00 pm this Friday. A chance to unwind after a busy week, just come and go as you please.
Are you new to St Mary’s?
Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.