Sharing our Stories
The pandemic, our lives and our faith
Thursday 22 July 2021, 7.30pm
St. Mary’s Church, Whitkirk
All are invited to this opportunity to meet face-to-face and discuss with others the impact that the pandemic has had on our lives and the way we worship.
Reporting on our energy usage
We are in the middle of a climate emergency, and making sure that we know how much energy we’re using and what the emissions are is an important part of reducing our impact.
To help with this we’re sharing the headlines from our 2020 energy footprint report.
In 2020 the energy usage of our buildings was responsible for an estimated 18 tonnes of CO2 being released into the atmosphere.
Our buildings received an A+ rating for emissions per person-hour, but only an F rating for emissions per square metre. We believe we can do better, and over the next year we’ll be working hard to reduce our emissions and improve our grading.
Become a Property Administrator with the Diocese of Leeds
If helping to manage a portfolio of over 400 residential properties and 80 acres of land is something that interests you, the Diocese of Leeds is looking for a Property Administrator.
Choral Evensong
The service of Evensong is rooted in hundreds of years of worship, and is renowned for its choral music and rich language.
Join us online for this evening’s service live at 6.00 pm, or watch again at any time after.
Worshipping in person
In line with the Government’s plan for easing lockdown, and based on our own risk assessments, our doors are open for public worship. You must book to attend any of our services in person, and you must follow additional rules around cleaning your hands, covering your face, and maintaining distancing whilst in the church. If you want to attend a service you can either book online, or you can call us on 0113 450 8554.
We will continue streaming all our services, both during this period of limited availability and into the future. You can join us online every Sunday morning at 10.00 am, catch up any time through the week, listen to our services over the phone, or listen using our podcast.
The Church family
For your prayers
The sick
- Pat Hyde
- Beryl Laverick
- Ginny Camponi
- Tom Heaphy
- Alan Cross
- Christine Oates
- Jeff Blowers
- Geoffrey Lidster
Those in long-term care
- Mary Metcalfe
- Doreen Haw
- Margaret Burton
- George Brown
- Jennifer Moad
Recently departed
- Pat Waite
- Joyce Riley
- Dorothy Morris
Anniversary of death
- Harry Rutherford Snr
- Stephen Noble
- Stewart Newhouse
- Winnie Kowolik