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Parish notices: 28 April 2024

The fifth Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist for the fifth Sunday of Easter

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Memorial service
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 1 May at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the sixth Sunday of Easter
Next Sunday 5 May at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Revision of Electoral Roll

The Parish Electoral Roll at St Mary’s is due to be revised, beginning on Sunday 5 May, and ending on Monday 20 May 2024. After the revision, a copy of the Roll will be published on the Church website at for at least 14 days, and a copy of the Roll will be available for inspection on a reasonable request being made to the PCC. Application Forms for enrolment and more information can be found on the Church website at, or via the Church’s Electoral Roll Officer.

Church Cleaning

This Wednesday 1 May at 10.30 am
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Help us keep our Grade I listed church looking smart and tidy – if you can spare an hour on a Wednesday morning then why not come along and join our monthly clean? We’ll provide everything you need, from dusters to refreshments!

'Open Church' Concert

This Saturday 4 May at 2.15 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

The first in our series of music concerts taking place over the coming months, featuring Aaran Fleet on the organ. Free admission. Retiring collection.

Whitkirk's Family Gathering

Friday 10 May at 6.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

This month Whitkirk Arts Guild are bringing family games night to the Family Gathering. Come along and join in, or just sit back with a drink and have a chat.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 28 April 2024”

Parish notices: 21 April 2024

The fourth Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist for the fourth Sunday of Easter

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 24 April at 10.00 am

Company of Servers – Festival Eucharist
This Saturday 27 April at 12.00 pm

Sung Eucharist for the fifth Sunday of Easter
Next Sunday 28 April at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Memorial service
Next Sunday 28 April at 4.00 pm

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Revision of Electoral Roll

The Parish Electoral Roll at St Mary’s is due to be revised, beginning on Sunday 5 May, and ending on Monday 20 May 2024. After the revision, a copy of the Roll will be published on the Church website at for at least 14 days, and a copy of the Roll will be available for inspection on a reasonable request being made to the PCC. Application Forms for enrolment and more information can be found on the Church website at, or via the Church’s Electoral Roll Officer.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 21 April 2024”

Parish notices: 14 April 2024

The third Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday of Easter

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Messy Church
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 17 April at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the fourth Sunday of Easter
Next Sunday 21 April at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 14 April 2024”

Parish notices: 7 April 2024

The second Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday of Easter

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Choral Evensong
Today at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 10 April at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday of Easter
Next Sunday 14 April at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Messy Church
Next Sunday 14 April at 4.00 pm

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Whitkirk's Family Gathering

This Friday 12 April at 6.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Come and join us for an evening with no plans. Grab a drink at the bar, order a takeaway, bring a board game, run around or just sit and chat – it’s up to you!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 7 April 2024”

Parish notices: 31 March 2024

Easter Sunday

Sung Eucharist for Easter Sunday

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter
Today at 6.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 3 April at 10.00 am

Compline by Candlelight
This Wednesday 3 April at 8.30 pm

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday of Easter
Next Sunday 7 April at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 31 March 2024”

Parish notices: 24 March 2024

Palm Sunday

Sung Eucharist for Palm Sunday

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

A Service of the Word – Monday of Holy Week
This Monday 25 March at 7.30 pm

A Service of the Word – Tuesday of Holy Week
This Tuesday 26 March at 7.30 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 27 March at 10.00 am

A Service of the Word – Wednesday of Holy Week
This Wednesday 27 March at 7.30 pm

Sung Eucharist for Maundy Thursday followed by The Watch
This Thursday 28 March at 7.30 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

The Liturgy of Good Friday
This Friday 29 March at 2.30 pm

Stations of the Cross
This Friday 29 March at 7.30 pm

Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter
Next Sunday 31 March at 6.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Sung Eucharist for Easter Sunday
Next Sunday 31 March at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Sung Eucharist for Maundy Thursday followed by The Watch

This Thursday 28 March at 7.30 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

One of the most solemn services in the Church’s year. Join us as we mark Maundy Thursday, followed by the stripping of the altar and The Watch in readiness for Good Friday.

Family Activity Day

This Friday 29 March at 10.00 am
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Join us for a whole range of family-friendly activities exploring the Easter story.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 24 March 2024”

Parish notices: 17 March 2024

Passion Sunday

Sung Eucharist for Passion Sunday

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 20 March at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for Palm Sunday
Next Sunday 24 March at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

Family Activity Day

Friday 29 March at 10.00 am
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Join us for a whole range of family-friendly activities exploring the Easter story.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 17 March 2024”

Parish notices: 10 March 2024

Mothering Sunday

Sung Eucharist for Mothering Sunday

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 13 March at 10.00 am

Sung Compline
This Thursday 14 March at 7.40 pm

Sung Eucharist for the fifth Sunday of Lent
Next Sunday 17 March at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
during this time of vacancy at St Mary’s we ask that you
comfort those who worry,
strengthen those who carry the weight of responsibility,
support and guide the PCC,
inspire a priest with your calling to this ministry,
and stay near us as we continue to worship you
together in this place.

"Preserve" the Pipes

On Sunday 10 March (Mothering Sunday) after the service there will be home-made marmalade (and other sweet treats) for sale in the Community Centre.

All proceeds will go towards the Organ Fund, keeping our pipe organ in good voice as it enters its 93rd year of filling St Mary’s with music.

Update on appointing the next Vicar

We are pleased to be able to let you know that the advert for the next Vicar of Whitkirk will be published in the coming days.

This advert is supported by a parish profile and brochure, both of which you are welcome to view (a link will be shared once the advert is published). Our thanks to all those involved in the hard work that has gone in to their production. 

The advert will be live for around a month, following which there will be a shortlisting process, and interviews with candidates will be held in early May. The PCC has nominated Janet Blenkinsop and Adam Kelly as our parish representatives on the interview panel. They will be joined by representatives of the Bishop and our Patron, The Society for the Maintenance of the Faith. 

We will keep you informed of any major developments and ask for your continued prayers as the process moves forward.

— The Churchwardens

Lent Talk – 'Living in Lent'

This Thursday 14 March at 7.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

The third in our ‘Living in Lent’ series of talks, where each week one of our congregation will offer their own reflections on the season of Lent.

This evening’s Lent Talk is given by Adam Kelly.