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Parish Notices: 13 February 2022

Our current COVID precautions

To reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus we continue to recommend that you wear a face covering if you can. Communion is once again available as both bread and wine, although if you wish to receive only the bread this is your choice and is still considered to be full communion by the Church of England.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

Leeds Lent Prayer Diary

A resource for bringing people together in prayer for the City of Leeds during Lent, providing Christians with a daily focus to pray for current needs. Each day of the diary features a different project working to bring positive change to the city of Leeds through mission, social action, education, arts, and more. Entries are written by the projects themselves and provide an update on their work along with specific prayer requests.

Messy Church

Today at 4.00 pm

Worship for all ages – starting with cake and a drink, some activities around this week’s theme, and finishing up with a short, informal act of worship in the church.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 13 February 2022”

Parish Notices: 6 February 2022

Our current COVID precautions

To reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus we continue to recommend that you wear a face covering if you can. Communion is once again available as both bread and wine, although if you wish to receive only the bread this is your choice and is still considered to be full communion by the Church of England.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

Leeds Lent Prayer Diary

A resource for bringing people together in prayer for the City of Leeds during Lent, providing Christians with a daily focus to pray for current needs. Each day of the diary features a different project working to bring positive change to the city of Leeds through mission, social action, education, arts, and more. Entries are written by the projects themselves and provide an update on their work along with specific prayer requests.

Choral Evensong sung by the Girls’ Choir of Bradford Cathedral

Today at 4.30 pm

The liturgy of Evensong is taken from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. It is renowned for the beauty and richness of its language including Myles Coverdale’s translation of the psalms. The service includes hymns, readings, a sermon and prayers. The choristers sing the Psalm, the Magnificat, the Nunc Dimittis and an Anthem.

This week we’re thrilled to welcome the Girls’ Choir of Bradford Cathedral, who will be singing the service. Please note the earlier than usual start time of 4.30 pm.

Thank God It’s Friday

This Friday 11 February at 6.30 pm

A space away from the working week, a chance to unwind and meet with other people. The bar’s open and you’re welcome to bring some food to cook yourself or order a takeaway. Come and join us for as little or as long as you like.

Messy Church

Sunday 13 February at 4.00 pm

Worship for all ages – starting with cake and a drink, some activities around this week’s theme, and finishing up with a short, informal act of worship in the church.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 6 February 2022”

Parish Notices: 30 January 2022

Our current COVID precautions

To reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus we continue to recommend that you wear a face covering if you can. Communion is once again available as both bread and wine, although if you wish to receive only the bread this is your choice and is still considered to be full communion by the Church of England.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

The Rhythm of Life

Continues this Thursday 3 February at 7.30 pm

As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. This course involves individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support. Feel free to join us for any session – you don’t need to have attended previous ones.

Sung Eucharist for Candlemas

This Wednesday 2 February at 10.00 am

All are welcome to join us as we mark the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Following this service, there will be tea and coffee available in the church.

Choral Evensong sung by the Girls’ Choir of Bradford Cathedral

This Sunday 6 February at 4.30 pm

The liturgy of Evensong is taken from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. It is renowned for the beauty and richness of its language including Myles Coverdale’s translation of the psalms. The service includes hymns, readings, a sermon and prayers. The choristers sing the Psalm, the Magnificat, the Nunc Dimittis and an Anthem.

This week we’re thrilled to welcome the Girls’ Choir of Bradford Cathedral, who will be singing the service. Please note the earlier than usual start time of 4.30 pm.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 30 January 2022”

Parish Notices: 23 January 2022

Our current COVID precautions

To help reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus you must wear a face covering at all times when in the church or Community Centre, except when receiving communion, eating or drinking, unless you are medically exempt.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

As always, we are keeping a close watch on things such as infection rates, as well as guidance from the Government, NHS, and the Church of England, and we may make other changes to our safety measures in the future.

The Rhythm of Life

Continues this Thursday 27 January at 7.30 pm
St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk

As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. This course involves individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support. Feel free to join us for any session – you don’t need to have attended previous ones.

Eucharist for Candlemas

Wednesday 2 February at 10.00 am

All are welcome to join us as we mark the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Following this service, there will be tea and coffee available in the church.

Choral Evensong sung by the Girls’ Choir of Bradford Cathedral

Sunday 6 February at 4.30 pm

The liturgy of Evensong is taken from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. It is renowned for the beauty and richness of its language including Myles Coverdale’s translation of the psalms. The service includes hymns, readings, a sermon and prayers. The choristers sing the Psalm, the Magnificat, the Nunc Dimittis and an Anthem.

Please note the earlier than usual start time of 4.30 pm.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 23 January 2022”

Parish Notices: 16 January 2022

Our current COVID precautions

To help reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus you must wear a face covering at all times when in the church or Community Centre, except when receiving communion, eating or drinking, unless you are medically exempt.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

As always, we are keeping a close watch on things such as infection rates, as well as guidance from the Government, NHS, and the Church of England, and we may make other changes to our safety measures in the future.

The Rhythm of Life

Starting this Thursday 20 January at 7.30 pm
St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk

Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:28-30

During the Covid 19 crisis, we’ve had to adjust to very different rhythms of life. As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. That’s why you’re invited to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support.

Read Matthew’s letter from our Landmark magazine, inviting you to join us.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 16 January 2022”

Parish Notices: 9 January 2022

Our current COVID precautions

To help reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus you must wear a face covering at all times when in the church or Community Centre, except when receiving communion, eating or drinking, unless you are medically exempt.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

As always, we are keeping a close watch on things such as infection rates, as well as guidance from the Government, NHS, and the Church of England, and we may make other changes to our safety measures in the future.

The Rhythm of Life

Starting January 20 at 7.30 pm

Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:28-30

During the Covid 19 crisis, we’ve had to adjust to very different rhythms of life. As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. That’s why you’re invited to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support.

A prayer for our new churchwarden

We give you thanks and praise O God
for your call on our lives
and how through that call the life of your church here at St. Mary’s
is a blessing to us all.
Today we pray for those called to the office of churchwardens,
we give thanks for Melvin and how he has served you faithfully and cheerily
and rejoice that your servant Elaine is now to serve alongside him
we pray your blessing on them both
that in and through this office
they might love and serve you with their particular gifts.
Strengthen them in their calling
uphold them if ever they are wearied
and encourage each one of us to support them in whatever way we can
for together we work for the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Continue reading “Parish Notices: 9 January 2022”

Parish Notices: 2 January 2022

Changes to our COVID precautions

To help reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus you must wear a face covering at all times when in the church or Community Centre, except when receiving communion, eating or drinking, unless you are medically exempt.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

As always, we are keeping a close watch on things such as infection rates, as well as guidance from the Government, NHS, and the Church of England, and we may make other changes to our safety measures in the future.

Catch up on our Christmas services

If you missed any of our Christmas services you can catch up with our Christmas playlist on YouTube.

The Rhythm of Life

Starting January 20 at 7.30 pm

Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:28-30

During the Covid 19 crisis, we’ve had to adjust to very different rhythms of life. As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. That’s why you’re invited to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support.

Coming up at Whitkirk Community Centre

Country Dancing

We are hoping to re-start this popular country dance class in January.  It will be held on 1st and 3rd Monday in the month, from 1.30 pm until 3.30 pm. Come along and give it a try for a good afternoon out among friendly faces – no experience needed!

Please contact Dorothy Howe on 0113 264 2569 for further information and to let her know if you are interested.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 2 January 2022”

Parish notices: 26 December 2021

Changes to our COVID precautions

To help reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus you must wear a face covering at all times when in the church or Community Centre, except when receiving communion, eating or drinking, unless you are medically exempt.

We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

As always, we are keeping a close watch on things such as infection rates, as well as guidance from the Government, NHS, and the Church of England, and we may make other changes to our safety measures in the future.

Catch up on our Christmas services

If you missed any of our Christmas services you can catch up with our Christmas playlist on YouTube.

The Rhythm of Life

Starting January 20 at 7.30 pm

Walk with me and work with me -watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.

Matthew 11:28-30

During the Covid 19 crisis, we’ve had to adjust to very different rhythms of life. As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning. That’s why you’re invited to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture. This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support.

Coming up at Whitkirk Community Centre

Country Dancing

We are hoping to re-start this popular country dance class in January.  It will be held on 1st and 3rd Monday in the month, from 1.30 pm until 3.30 pm. Come along and give it a try for a good afternoon out among friendly faces – no experience needed!

Please contact Dorothy Howe on 0113 264 2569 for further information and to let her know if you are interested.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 26 December 2021”