Our current COVID precautions
To reduce the risk of spreading Coronavirus we continue to recommend that you wear a face covering if you can. Communion is once again available as both bread and wine, although if you wish to receive only the bread this is your choice and is still considered to be full communion by the Church of England.
We suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, and avoid handshakes during the Peace.
If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as make them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.
Leeds Lent Prayer Diary
A resource for bringing people together in prayer for the City of Leeds during Lent, providing Christians with a daily focus to pray for current needs. Each day of the diary features a different project working to bring positive change to the city of Leeds through mission, social action, education, arts, and more. Entries are written by the projects themselves and provide an update on their work along with specific prayer requests.
Messy Church
Today at 4.00 pm
Worship for all ages – starting with cake and a drink, some activities around this week’s theme, and finishing up with a short, informal act of worship in the church.
Continue reading “Parish Notices: 13 February 2022”