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Parish notices: 7 November 2021

Sung Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday

Next Sunday, 14 November at 9.30 am

Our annual service to mark Remembrance Sunday, concluding with a procession to the War Memorial and Act of Remembrance.

This service will begin at 9.30 am.

Real Advent Calendars

We’re once again selling the only Advent calendars to tell the Christmas story – Real Advent Calendars. Available from James from today for £4.50 each.

An update on our coronavirus measures

In light of the current increase in cases, we want to remind people that we continue to recommend the wearing of a face covering if you are able whilst in church and moving around our Community Centre. We also suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, avoid handshakes during the Peace, and communion remains bread only for the time being.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as making them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

We are still keeping a close eye on things such as infection rates, and may make other changes to our rules in the future.

Living in Love and Faith

A four-part course on Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships, and marriage.

Anyone is welcome to join in with these conversations: this whole course is about bringing together different voices, experiences, and worldviews, to learn and flourish together.

Continues Thursday 11 November at 7.30 pm.

Coming up at Whitkirk Community Centre

Strictly in Sequence

Starting Monday 8 November at 1.00 pm
Then every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month

A chance for experienced dancers and total beginners alike to step onto the floor as Keith and Roxanne host this sequence dancing session. With a mix of old favourites and new, you’ll soon be floating across the floor.

£5 per session, including tea and coffee.

Christmas Coffee Morning

Saturday 4 December at 10.00am

It might seem a bit early to be talking about Christmas, but we want to make sure you had time to pop this one in your diary! Although we sadly can’t run a full Christmas Fair this year, we didn’t want to leave you without a chance to share a cuppa (or a glass of mulled wine), a slice of cake, and the chance to sing some carols around the piano.

The Sword in the Scone

Wednesday 8 to Saturday 11 December at 7.15 pm

Whitkirk Arts Guild return to the stage with their annual family pantomime, giving the legend of King Arthur a twist. Book your tickets online, pick up a flyer in the Community Centre, or call 0113 212 0066.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 7 November 2021”

Parish notices: 31 October 2021

Real Advent Calendars

We’re once again selling the only Advent calendars to tell the Christmas story – Real Advent Calendars. Available from James from next Sunday for £4.50 each.

An update on our coronavirus measures

In light of the current increase in cases, we want to remind people that we continue to recommend the wearing of a face covering if you are able whilst in church and moving around our Community Centre. We also suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, avoid handshakes during the Peace, and communion remains bread only for the time being.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as making them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

We are still keeping a close eye on things such as infection rates, and may make other changes to our rules in the future.

Living in Love and Faith

A four-part course on Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships, and marriage.

Anyone is welcome to join in with these conversations: this whole course is about bringing together different voices, experiences, and worldviews, to learn and flourish together.

Continues Thursday 4 November at 7.30 pm.

Interment of Pauline Keenan’s ashes

A short service of interment will be held in the cemetery on Sunday 7 November at midday for those who were unable to attend Pauline’s funeral and who may wish to say farewell.

Service for All Souls

The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30 pm

A list of names to be remembered at this service is available in the church this morning.

Coming up at Whitkirk Community Centre

Strictly in Sequence

Starting Monday 8 November at 1.00 pm
Then every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month

A chance for experienced dancers and total beginners alike to step onto the floor as Keith and Roxanne host this sequence dancing session. With a mix of old favourites and new, you’ll soon be floating across the floor.

£5 per session, including tea and coffee.

Christmas Coffee Morning

Saturday 4 December at 10.00am

It might seem a bit early to be talking about Christmas, but we want to make sure you had time to pop this one in your diary! Although we sadly can’t run a full Christmas Fair this year, we didn’t want to leave you without a chance to share a cuppa (or a glass of mulled wine), a slice of cake, and the chance to sing some carols around the piano.

The Sword in the Scone

Wednesday 8 to Saturday 11 December at 7.15 pm

Whitkirk Arts Guild return to the stage with their annual family pantomime, giving the legend of King Arthur a twist. Book your tickets online, pick up a flyer in the Community Centre, or call 0113 212 0066.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 31 October 2021”

An update from your PCC: September 2021

The Parochial Church Council meets regularly throughout the year to discuss and make decisions on all kinds of issues relating to the Church at Whitkirk.

We think it’s essential that the parish know what their PCC is talking about, which is why we’ll be sharing these updates after each meeting. We won’t go into the nitty-gritty details of what we discussed but will give you an overview and a summary of decisions. This is a summary of the meeting held on 21 September.

  • The Church’s finance team presented an update on our financial position. The effects of the Coronavirus pandemic are still being felt, but the Church is able to increase its parish share contribution.
  • We talked about the pattern of services we offer and how best to expand these as we recover from the pandemic. As the situation is uncertain as we head into winter, we will stick with our current weekly pattern of eucharistic services and review this decision in six months. We will, however, be reintroducing morning and evening prayers and are currently putting the finishing touches on how this will work.
  • There was a lengthy discussion about the precautions we take to keep people safe. At the moment, communion will remain as bread only with the congregation invited to stand around the altar. We are aiming to reintroduce the Common Cup as we enter the season of Advent. We are also keeping the current handshake-free approach to the Peace, and we are not holding a collection during services. All changes to our precautions are based on current infection rates and guidance, so this plan may change.
  • A proposal to add bike racks to our car park was discussed. Although the PCC agreed in principle, they didn’t feel the plan in its current state was ready. A revised plan will be looked at in the next meeting.
  • Our current policy of not hiring the Community Centre on Sundays was revisited, and several points were made both for and against keeping this policy. Currently, this policy remains in place, but we’re doing some more research on demand and costs, and will revisit this at the next meeting with more information.
  • We’re updating some of our safeguarding training and materials, and the PCC will be told about any changes needed at their next meeting.
  • We discussed upcoming events, and our Social and Events Team’s provisional plans for activities in 2022.
  • A proposal was made to adopt a new environmental policy. The PCC requested some amendments, and a revised policy will be presented at the next meeting.
  • Finally, we agreed to request some updates to our license for servers and administrants.

If you have any comments, or if you’d like to raise an issue for the PCC or one of its committees to discuss, then please let us know!

Parish notices: 24 October 2021

An update on our coronavirus measures

In light of the current increase in cases, we want to remind people that we continue to recommend the wearing of a face covering if you are able whilst in church and moving around our Community Centre. We also suggest that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, keeping your distance, and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, avoid handshakes during the Peace, and communion remains bread only for the time being.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as making them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

We are still keeping a close eye on things such as infection rates, and may make other changes to our rules in the future.

Living in Love and Faith

A four-part course on Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships, and marriage.

Anyone is welcome to join in with these conversations: this whole course is about bringing together different voices, experiences, and worldviews, to learn and flourish together.

Continues Thursday 4 November at 7.30 pm.

Interment of Pauline Keenan’s ashes

A short service of interment will be held in the cemetery on Sunday 7 November at midday for those who were unable to attend Pauline’s funeral and who may wish to say farewell.

Service for All Souls

The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
Tuesday 2nd November at 7.30 pm

A list of names to be remembered at this service is available in the church this morning.

Coming up at Whitkirk Community Centre

Strictly in Sequence

Starting Monday 8 November at 1.00 pm
Then every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month

A chance for experienced dancers and total beginners alike to step onto the floor as Keith and Roxanne host this sequence dancing session. With a mix of old favourites and new, you’ll soon be floating across the floor.

£5 per session, including tea and coffe.

Christmas Coffee Morning

Saturday 4 December at 10.00am

It might seem a bit early to be talking about Christmas, but we want to make sure you had time to pop this one in your diary! Although we sadly can’t run a full Christmas Fair this year, we didn’t want to leave you without a chance to share a cuppa (or a glass of mulled wine), a slice of cake, and the chance to sing some carols around the piano.

The Sword in the Scone

Wednesday 8 to Saturday 11 December at 7.15 pm

Whitkirk Arts Guild return to the stage with their annual family pantomime, giving the legend of King Arthur a twist. Book your tickets online, pick up a flyer in the Community Centre, or call 0113 212 0066.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 24 October 2021”

Parish notices: 17 October 2021

Living in Love and Faith

A four-part course on Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships, and marriage.

Anyone is welcome to join in with these conversations: this whole course is about bringing together different voices, experiences, and worldviews, to learn and flourish together.

Continues Thursday 21 October at 7.30 pm.

Join our cleaning teams and keep Whitkirk sparkling

Keeping our Grade I listed building sparkling clean doesn’t happen by itself – it’s done by a few teams of dedicated volunteers, and they need your help! With fewer people helping in this important role at the moment we’re unable to spread the work out as evenly as we would like, so we’re asking if you might be able to spare a morning once every few weeks to join our cleaning teams.

The work isn’t difficult, and we provide all the equipment. If you’re interested in volunteering to join our cleaning team, please speak to Melvin or email [email protected].

An update on our coronavirus measures

We recommend that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, wearing masks if you are able, keeping your distance and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, avoid handshakes during the Peace, and communion remains bread only for the time being.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as making them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

We are still keeping a close eye on things such as infection rates, and may make other changes to our rules in the future.

Join us after the service for refreshments

You are warmly invited to join us after the service for refreshments in our Community Centre.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 17 October 2021”

Parish notices: 10 October 2021

Living in Love and Faith

A four-part course on Christian teaching and learning about identity, sexuality, relationships, and marriage.

Anyone is welcome to join in with these conversations: this whole course is about bringing together different voices, experiences, and worldviews, to learn and flourish together.

Continues Thursday 21 October at 7.30 pm.

An update on our coronavirus measures

We recommend that you continue to take precautions such as taking regular rapid lateral flow tests, wearing masks if you are able, keeping your distance and being respectful of the wishes of others. You’ll still need to sanitise your hands as you enter the building, avoid handshakes during the Peace, and communion remains bread only for the time being.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19, remember that you must self-isolate and get a PCR test. As always, we will continue to stream all our services live on our website and YouTube channel, as well as making them available to listen to later by phone or podcast.

We are still keeping a close eye on things such as infection rates, and may make other changes to our rules in the future.

Join us after the service for refreshments

You are warmly invited to join us after the service for refreshments in our Community Centre.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 10 October 2021”

Parish Notices: 3 October 2021

World Homeless Week

This week

World Homeless Week is a time to reflect on the plight of those affected by homelessness and poverty; an estimated 1 in 200 people in the UK were homeless in 2019, with the pandemic since leaving many more people living below the breadline. Although many homeless individuals are invisible to us – sleeping on friends sofas or in temporary hostels – we can help shed light on their struggle by telling their stories, praying for them, and of course supporting them to rebuild their lives.

Church Homeless Trust is a small charity that supports thousands of homeless individuals throughout England to get back on their feet. Find out more and donate to support their work at

Sharing Our Stories

Wednesday 6 October, 7.30 pm
St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk

As we continue to live through the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re taking some time to talk about how it has impacted us and our faith so far, what we can learn, and how we can make the most of the situation we find ourselves in.

All are welcome to join this conversation and share their own experiences.

Our bar is missing something: you

Saturday 9 October at 7.30 pm
Whitkirk Community Centre

We are inviting people to come along for a social evening and find out how you might be able to support the Church in a whole new way: by volunteering at the bar in our Community Centre. Please come along, chat to our existing staff and find out more. If you’ve got someone in mind who might enjoy volunteering, bring them along as well or let them know.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 3 October 2021”

Parish notices: 26 September 2021

Choral evensong in thanksgiving for
the service of John Holland

This afternoon, 3.00 pm
St Mary’s, Kippax

John Holland has faithfully served the deanery and diocese over many years. We had hoped to mark his retirement last year but in the circumstances the event had to be postponed. Thankfully, albeit belatedly, we are now able to gather at his home church at Kippax with choirs from Kippax, Swillington and Whitkirk to worship, pray and to give thanks.

The service will be followed by light refreshments.

Environment activity morning

Saturday 2 October, 10.00 am until 1.00 pm
Whitkirk Community Centre

Our planet is in trouble, but you can help. Come along and find ways you can support local wildlife with bird boxes, ponds and bug hotels. Learn about the mysteries of beekeeping or making the most of kitchen scraps with the art of composting. Discover how to cut your energy usage, reduce your carbon footprint and save money.

Silver Lining Lunch Club is back…
and needs your help!

On Tuesday 5 October the Silver Lining Lunch Club restarts. Silver Lining is a valuable opportunity for older and more vulnerable members of our community to come together once a week to meet, chat and hopefully a good time whilst sharing a hot meal.

The team who run it could do with a few volunteers to help set up the hall by putting up tables and then at the end taking them down. You will need to be reasonably fit, but if you can spare a bit of time on the occasional Tuesday we’d love to hear from you! Please give Jean Bradley a ring on 0113 260 2762 or email her on [email protected] if you can help.

World Homeless Week

Sunday 3 to Monday 11 October

World Homeless Week is a time to reflect on the plight of those affected by homelessness and poverty; an estimated 1 in 200 people in the UK were homeless in 2019, with the pandemic since leaving many more people living below the breadline. Although many homeless individuals are invisible to us – sleeping on friends sofas or in temporary hostels – we can help shed light on their struggle by telling their stories, praying for them, and of course supporting them to rebuild their lives.

Church Homeless Trust is a small charity that supports thousands of homeless individuals throughout England to get back on their feet. Find out more and donate to support their work at

Our bar is missing something: you

Saturday 9 October at 7.30 pm
Whitkirk Community Centre

We are inviting people to come along for a social evening and find out how you might be able to support the Church in a whole new way: by volunteering at the bar in our Community Centre.

You might want to see if you can pull a perfect pint, or serve a crisp gin and tonic. If serving drinks isn’t for you, there’s plenty more you could offer your time to help with. From the smiling faces behind the bar on an evening to the team supporting them with clean glasses, and throughout the week making sure our stock is ready to go or putting the shine back on the pumps with a quick clean, there’s a role for everyone.

Please come along, chat with our existing staff and find out more. If you’ve got someone in mind who might enjoy volunteering, bring them along as well or let them know.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 26 September 2021”