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Parish Notices: 23 May 2021

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is an opportunity for those in the parish to have their say in how their Church is run. It includes a summary of the year and reports from key people, as well as the election of roles such as churchwardens and members of the PCC.

This year’s meeting will be held online on Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 7.00 pm.

You can find more information about this year’s APCM on our website at, including the agenda and a copy of our annual report.

If you would like physical copies of documents and details of how to join by phone, please let us know.

Become a member of PCC or a churchwarden

If you have been wondering how you might serve the Church here at Whitkirk you may want to consider running for one of the available positions at this year’s APCM. We are looking for new members of our Parochial Church Council, and a new churchwarden to replace James who is standing down this year.

If you’re interested in either of these positions please get in touch.

Christian Aid

Although Christian Aid Week has ended, we are still collecting donations towards this worthy cause until the end of the month. You can donate online quickly and easily.

Last year the community at St Mary’s raised £724, so this year we have set a target of £750. Please help us to achieve this goal.

Worshipping in person

In line with the Government’s plan for easing lockdown, and based on our own risk assessments, our doors are open for public worship. You must book to attend any of our services in person, and you must follow additional rules around cleaning your hands, covering your face, and maintaining distancing whilst in the church. If you want to attend a service you can either book online, or you can call us on 0113 450 8554.

We will continue streaming all our services, both during this period of limited availability and into the future. You can join us online every Sunday morning at 10.00 am, catch up any time through the week, listen to our services over the phone, or listen using our podcast.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 23 May 2021”

Parish Notices: 16 May 2021

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is an opportunity for those in the parish to have their say in how their Church is run. It includes a summary of the year and reports from key people, as well as the election of roles such as churchwardens and members of the PCC.

This year’s meeting will be held online on Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 7.00 pm.

You can find more information about this year’s APCM on our website at, including the agenda and a copy of our annual report.

If you would like physical copies of documents and details of how to join by phone, please let us know.

Worshipping in person

In line with the Government’s plan for easing lockdown, and based on our own risk assessments, we have now re-opened our doors for public worship. As in the past, you must still book to attend any of our services in person, and you must follow additional rules around cleaning your hands, covering your face, and maintaining distancing whilst in the church. If you want to attend a service you can either book online, or you can call us on 0113 450 8554.

We will continue streaming all our services, both during this period of limited availability and into the future. You can join us online every Sunday morning at 10.00 am, catch up any time through the week, listen to our services over the phone, or listen using our podcast.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 16 May 2021”

Parish Notices: 9 May 2021

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is an opportunity for those in the parish to have their say in how their Church is run. It includes a summary of the year and reports from key people, as well as the election of roles such as churchwardens and members of the PCC.

This year’s meeting will be held online on Tuesday 25 May 2021 at 7.00 pm.

You can find more information about this year’s APCM on our website at, including the agenda and a copy of our annual report.

If you would like physical copies of documents and details of how to join by phone, please let us know.

Christian Aid Week

Tomorrow marks the beginning of Christian Aid Week. If you’d like to give to this worthy cause, helping to fight poverty and tackle the climate emergency, you can donate online through the St Mary’s Christian Aid e-Envelope at

If you are attending our worship in person and wish to donate, Christian Aid giving envelopes are available at the back of the church. Please take one and return it with your donation next week.

Last year the community at St Mary’s raised £724, so this year we have set a target of £750. Please help us to achieve this goal.

Worshipping in person

In line with the Government’s plan for easing lockdown, and based on our own risk assessments, we have now re-opened our doors for public worship. As in the past, you must still book to attend any of our services in person, and you must follow additional rules around cleaning your hands, covering your face, and maintaining distancing whilst in the church. If you want to attend a service you can either book online, or you can call us on 0113 450 8554.

We will continue streaming all our services, both during this period of limited availability and into the future. You can join us online every Sunday morning at 10.00 am, catch up any time through the week, listen to our services over the phone, or listen using our podcast.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 9 May 2021”

Parish Notices: 2 May 2021

Christian Aid

Christian Aid this year runs from the 10–16 May. Watch out for ways to donate in next week’s notices.

Revision of the parish electoral roll

We will be revising our parish electoral roll this week, from Sunday 2 May until Sunday 9 May.

If you would like to update any of your details, or sign up to be on the electoral roll if you aren’t already, please get in touch and let us know.

Worshipping in person

In line with the Government’s plan for easing lockdown, and based on our own risk assessments, we have now re-opened our doors for public worship. As in the past, you must still book to attend any of our services in person, and you must follow additional rules around cleaning your hands, covering your face, and maintaining distancing whilst in the church. If you want to attend a service you can either book online, or you can call us on 0113 450 8554.

We will continue streaming all our services, both during this period of limited availability and into the future. You can join us online every Sunday morning at 10.00 am, catch up any time through the week, listen to our services over the phone, or listen using our podcast.

Continue reading “Parish Notices: 2 May 2021”

Notices for 5 April 2020

Suspension of all public worship

To help prevent the spread of coronavirus all acts of public worship have been suspended until further notice. Please do not try to attend a service with us.

Videos for Holy Week

Throughout Holy Week we’re releasing videos with readings, prayer and more to help you worship. You can find all of these on our YouTube channel.

Join us for a live-streamed service

You can join us online for a small service streamed live from St Mary’s this morning at 10.00 am, at You can download or view the order of service for this from the same page.

If you can’t make the live service, you’ll be able to watch it in your own time once it’s finished.

Virtual coffee morning

After the Sunday service, we are planning to get together virtually for a chance to share a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. Please feel free to join us at

Coronavirus update

You can always find the latest information on what we’re doing about the virus outbreak at

Notices for 29 March 2020

Suspension of all public worship

To help prevent the spread of coronavirus all acts of public worship have been suspended until further notice. Please do not try to attend a service with us.

Join us for a live-streamed service

You can join us online for a small service streamed live from St Mary’s this morning at 10.00 am, at You can download or view the order of service for this from the same page.

If you can’t make the live service, you’ll be able to watch it in your own time once it’s finished.

Virtual coffee morning

After the Sunday service, we are planning to get together virtually for a chance to share a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. Please feel free to join us at

Coronavirus update

You can always find the latest information on what we’re doing about the virus outbreak at

Notices for 22 March 2020

Suspension of all public worship

To help prevent the spread of coronavirus all acts of public worship have been suspended until further notice. Please do not try to attend a service with us.

Join us for a live streamed service

You can join us online for a small service streamed live from St Mary’s this morning at 10.00 am, at You can download or view the order of service for this from the same page.

If you can’t make the live service, you’ll be able to watch it in your own time once it’s finished.

Coronavirus update

On Friday we posted a large update on how we’re responding to coronavirus across everything we do here at St Mary’s. You can read this on our website.

You can always find the latest information on what we’re doing about the virus outbreak at

Notices for 15 March 2020

Lent at Whitkirk

On Tuesdays during lent, beginning from Tuesday 3 March at 7.30 pm there will be a course based on the TV series Broken. It will be preceded by a Said Eucharist at 7.00 pm.

On Wednesdays from Wednesday 4 March after the 9.30 am Eucharist our lent course “By way of the heart” – R S Thomas and the Poetry of Faith offers a time to discuss and reflect on some poems and how they might impact on our lives.

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.


This Thursday from 7.30 in the Brown Cow. A chance to explore something of the Christian Faith in a relaxed and friendly environment. Do come along with all those questions you’ve wanted to ask, and invite others to come too.

New footpath

Last Sunday we raised £105 towards the cost of the new church footpath from the sale of daffodils and soft toys for Easter. Thank you for your support and donations.

Coronavirus precautions

During the current situation in order to reduce the spread of any infection we have suspended the handshake offered as a sign of peace. Until further notice, the chalice has been suspended so please receive the sacrament in one kind only (the bread).