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Parish notices: 10 November 2024

Remembrance Sunday

Sung Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday

Today at 9.30 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Messy Church
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 13 November at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for Safeguarding Sunday
Next Sunday 17 November at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

The Real Advent Calendar

Throughout November, The Real Advent Calendar will be available to buy after Church. This is the only chocolate advent calendar which tells the Christmas Story, and is a great way to share the true meaning of Christmas with family and friends. We also have a selection of Advent Candles available too. If you’re interested, please speak to James Black.

Posada at St Mary's

Would you like to be a part of Mary and Joseph’s journey around the parish during Advent this year?

If you would like to host Mary and Joseph see Heather Woodhead to sign up today either after the Act of Remembrance, or at this afternoon’s Messy Church.

Advent course: Women of the Nativity

Our Advent course will take place on Tuesday evenings (online) and Thursday afternoons and evenings (in person) during the weeks commencing 25 November, 2 December, 9 December and 16 December. Lists allocating participants to groups are available at the back of the church and in the Community Centre today. Members of our online congregation should already have received an email.

Christmas Fair

Saturday 30 November at 11.00 am
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Our Christmas fair is on 30 November from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm. Donations would be gratefully received of cakes for the cake stall and cafe, Christmas decorations, small selection boxes, toiletries, jewellery or chocolate for the chocolate tombola.

If anyone has a Christmas tree they no longer want, ours is looking past its best. Donations can be left on the stage in the Community Centre. Thank you!

Advent Carol Service

Sunday 1 December at 6.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

“Let there be light!”

You are warmly invited to join us for our Advent Carol Service. This is a service of music for Advent (both congregational hymns and pieces sung by the choir) and readings that take us from darkness into light as we prepare for the coming of Jesus.

This is in lieu of choral evensong on this date.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 10 November 2024”

Parish notices: 3 November 2024

All Saints Sunday

Sung Eucharist for All Saints

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Festal Evensong for All Saints
Today at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 6 November at 10.00 am

Compline by Candlelight
This Wednesday 6 November at 8.30 pm

Sung Eucharist for Remembrance Sunday
Next Sunday 10 November at 9.30 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Messy Church
Next Sunday 10 November at 4.00 pm

Advent Course

For information about the Advent Course, please see the notices at the back of the church and in the Community Centre today. If you have emailed about joining online, Claire will be in touch with you very shortly to confirm arrangements.

The Real Advent Calendar

Throughout November, The Real Advent Calendar will be available to buy after Church. This is the only chocolate advent calendar which tells the Christmas Story, and is a great way to share the true meaning of Christmas with family and friends. We also have a selection of Advent Candles available too. If you’re interested, please speak to James Black.

Posada at St Mary's

Would you like to be a part of Mary and Joseph’s journey around the parish during Advent this year?

If you would like to host Mary and Joseph see Heather Woodhead to sign up after the 10.00 am service either today, on the 10 November, or at November’s Messy Church.

Church Cleaning

This Wednesday 6 November at 10.30 am
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Help us keep our Grade I listed church looking smart and tidy – if you can spare an hour on a Wednesday morning then why not come along and join our monthly clean? We’ll provide everything you need, from dusters to refreshments!

Whitkirk's Family Gathering

This Friday 8 November at 6.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Our monthly chance to kick back and unwind at our Community Centre. The bar is open, and we’d love to invite you to come along, order a takeaway, bring some games… it’s up to you!

Christmas Fair

Saturday 30 November at 11.00 am
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Our Christmas fair is on 30 November from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm. Donations would be gratefully received of cakes for the cake stall and cafe, Christmas decorations, small selection boxes, toiletries, jewellery or chocolate for the chocolate tombola.

If anyone has a Christmas tree they no longer want, ours is looking past its best. Donations can be left on the stage in the Community Centre. Thank you!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 3 November 2024”

Parish notices: 27 October 2024

The last Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the last Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Memorial Service
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 30 October at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for All Saints
Next Sunday 3 November at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Choral Evensong for All Saints
Next Sunday 3 November at 6.00 pm · Watch the service · View the order of service

Advent Course

If you would be interested in following an Advent Course based on Paula Gooder’s book, Women of the Nativity, please sign up at the back of the church or in the Community Centre today.

If you join us online, please feel free to email [email protected] as we may be able to run an online group too, depending on numbers. Once we have an idea of numbers, we will organise groups, trying to accommodate as many people as possible. There is no need to buy the book (although you are welcome to do so if you’d like to).

The Real Advent Calendar

Throughout November, The Real Advent Calendar will be available to buy after Church. This is the only chocolate advent calendar which tells the Christmas Story, and is a great way to share the true meaning of Christmas with family and friends. We also have a selection of Advent Candles available too. If you’re interested, please speak to James Black.

Posada at St Mary's

Would you like to be a part of Mary and Joseph’s journey around the parish during Advent this year?

If you would like to host Mary and Joseph see Heather Woodhead to sign up after the 10.00 am service on either 27 October, 3 November or 10 November, or at November’s Messy Church.

Christmas Fair

Saturday 30 November at 11.00 am
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Our Christmas fair is on 30 November from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm. Donations would be gratefully received of cakes for the cake stall and cafe, Christmas decorations, small selection boxes, toiletries, jewellery or chocolate for the chocolate tombola.

If anyone has a Christmas tree they no longer want, ours is looking past its best. Donations can be left on the stage in the Community Centre. Thank you!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 27 October 2024”

Parish notices: 20 October 2024

The twenty-first Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the twenty-first Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 23 October at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the Sunday last after Trinity
Next Sunday 27 October at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Memorial Service
Next Sunday 27 October at 4.00 pm


Congratulations to Giles Taylor, our wonderful Director of Music, who was awarded a Fellowship of the Guild of Musicians and Singers in London last week.

Advent Course

If you would be interested in following an Advent Course based on Paula Gooder’s book, Women of the Nativity, please sign up at the back of the church or in the Community Centre today.

If you join us online, please feel free to email [email protected] as we may be able to run an online group too, depending on numbers. Once we have an idea of numbers, we will organise groups, trying to accommodate as many people as possible. There is no need to buy the book (although you are welcome to do so if you’d like to).


Don’t forget that you can leave prayer requests on the cards at the back of the church. Any requests left there will be prayed for at Morning and Evening Prayer for two weeks. Let Claire know if the request needs to be renewed. Don’t forget to let us know, too, if people can be taken off the prayer list. The prayer cards in the stand are for you to take for yourselves or to pass on to anyone who might find them helpful.

Memorial Service

Next Sunday 27 October at 4.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Our next memorial service will be held on 27 October at 4.00 pm. If you know anyone who would find it helpful to attend this service to commemorate those we have loved but see no longer, do let them know about the service. All are welcome, whether or not their loss was recent.

Christmas Fair

Saturday 30 November at 9.00 am
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Our Christmas fair is on 30 November from 11.00 am until 3.00 pm. Donations would be gratefully received of cakes for the cake stall and cafe, Christmas decorations, small selection boxes, toiletries, jewellery or chocolate for the chocolate tombola.

If anyone has a Christmas tree they no longer want, ours is looking past its best. Donations can be left on the stage in the Community Centre. Thank you!

Continue reading “Parish notices: 20 October 2024”

Parish notices: 13 October 2024

The twentieth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the twentieth Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Messy Church
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 16 October at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
Next Sunday 20 October at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service


To help preserve the privacy of those on our prayers list, we will no longer be reading out the full names of those for whom prayer is requested during our intercessions; instead first names only will be used. Please rest assured that God knows the needs of each person for whom prayer is requested without our needing to spell it out.

If you know that someone on the prayer list is feeling better or is out of hospital, please do let us know so that we can update the list and keep it current. If you are aware of anyone who might need home communion or a pastoral visit, please speak to Claire.

Planned works in the church

You may be aware that we are planning to do some work in the north-west corner of the church (in the area where the tech desk currently sits). This is primarily to address issues with damp affecting the plaster in that corner, but our plans will also enable us to improve the tech desk, add storage space, and create a level area which is accessible for wheelchair users and can be used as an informal meeting space.

The plans are currently on display in the entrance to the Community Centre and can also be viewed on the Church website at If you have any comments about the plans, these should be submitted to the Diocese by 24 October – information about how to submit your comments is available alongside the plans.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who helped with last week’s Harvest Lunch. The food and the fellowship were excellent, and it was a wonderful way to celebrate God’s provision for us with our friends and neighbours.

Memorial Service

Sunday 27 October at 4.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Our next memorial service will be held on 27 October at 4.00 pm. If you know anyone who would find it helpful to attend this service to commemorate those we have loved but see no longer, do let them know about the service. All are welcome, whether or not their loss was recent.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 13 October 2024”

Parish notices: 6 October 2024

Harvest Festival

Sung Eucharist for Harvest Festival

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 9 October at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the twentieth Sunday after Trinity
Next Sunday 13 October at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Messy Church
Next Sunday 13 October at 4.00 pm


To help preserve the privacy of those on our prayers list, we will no longer be reading out the full names of those for whom prayer is requested during our intercessions; instead first names only will be used. Please rest assured that God knows the needs of each person for whom prayer is requested without our needing to spell it out.

If you know that someone on the prayer list is feeling better or is out of hospital, please do let us know so that we can update the list and keep it current. If you are aware of anyone who might need home communion or a pastoral visit, please speak to Claire.

Planned works in the church

You may be aware that we are planning to do some work in the north-west corner of the church (in the area where the tech desk currently sits). This is primarily to address issues with damp affecting the plaster in that corner, but our plans will also enable us to improve the tech desk, add storage space, and create a level area which is accessible for wheelchair users and can be used as an informal meeting space.

The plans are currently on display in the entrance to the Community Centre and can also be viewed on the Church website at If you have any comments about the plans, these should be submitted to the Diocese by 24 October – information about how to submit your comments is available alongside the plans.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 6 October 2024”

Parish notices: 29 September 2024

The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 2 October at 10.00 am

Compline by Candlelight
This Wednesday 2 October at 8.30 pm

Sung Eucharist for Harvest Festival
Next Sunday 6 October at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Morning and evening prayers

Morning and Evening Prayer are said in the church every day, Tuesday-Saturday, at 8.30 am and 5.30 pm. Please feel free to come along if you’d like to, either regularly or on an occasional basis.

This is a short said service lasting not more than 30 minutes. The church will be open after Morning Prayer until 9.30 am, please free to pop in if you’d like to spend some quiet time in the church or to talk to Claire. Prayer cards are available at the rear of the church for your personal prayer requests. Any prayers left in the box will be offered to God at Morning and Evening Prayer for two weeks: please feel free to renew the request as appropriate.

Donations at our Harvest Festival

Donations taken at our Harvest Festival service next week will be split between WaterAid and the Leeds South & East Food Bank at St Richard’s, Seacroft.

Choral Evensong

Please note that there will be no service of Choral Evensong in October. It will be back as usual on the first Sunday of November.


To help preserve the privacy of those on our prayers list, we will no longer be reading out the full names of those for whom prayer is requested during our intercessions; instead first names only will be used. Please rest assured that God knows the needs of each person for whom prayer is requested without our needing to spell it out.

If you know that someone on the prayer list is feeling better or is out of hospital, please do let us know so that we can update the list and keep it current. If you are aware of anyone who might need home communion or a pastoral visit, please speak to Claire.

Church Cleaning

This Wednesday 2 October at 10.30 am
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Help us keep our Grade I listed church looking smart and tidy – if you can spare an hour on a Wednesday morning then why not come along and join our monthly clean? We’ll provide everything you need, from dusters to refreshments!

Harvest Lunch

Next Sunday 6 October at 12.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Returning for another year, the St Mary’s Harvest Lunch brings you delicious bangers and mash with veg and plenty of gravy, followed by dessert and tea/coffee. The bar is open as well if you fancy something a little stronger.

There are still some tickets available – if you would like one, or if you have booked but still need to pay, please see Joan Williams after today’s service. £7.50 for adults; £5.00 for children.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 29 September 2024”

Parish notices: 22 September 2024

The seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 25 September at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
Next Sunday 29 September at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Morning and evening prayers

Morning and Evening Prayer are said in the church every day, Tuesday-Saturday, at 8.30 am and 5.30 pm. Please feel free to come along if you’d like to, either regularly or on an occasional basis.

This is a short said service lasting not more than 30 minutes. The church will be open after Morning Prayer until 9.30 am, please free to pop in if you’d like to spend some quiet time in the church or to talk to Claire. Prayer cards are available at the rear of the church for your personal prayer requests. Any prayers left in the box will be offered to God at Morning and Evening Prayer for two weeks: please feel free to renew the request as appropriate.

Continue reading “Parish notices: 22 September 2024”