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Notices for 9 June 2019


Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Alison or Matthew.

Pilgrim Course

The daytime session begins on Wednesday 12th June at 10:15am in the Smeaton Room. Contact Alison for more information.

Christian Aid Week 2019

The amount raised this year was £694.00. Thank you to all who contributed.

Magazine Deadline

The deadline for the July Magazine is today please after the 10:00am service.

Coffee and Cake

In the Community Centre from 10:00am until 12:00pm on Saturday 15th June in aid of the Mothers’ Union AFIA project which funds holiday caravans for families in need. Please support this.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or e-mail [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.

Notices for 2 June 2019


Welcome to Rob Denton – Curate at St Wilfrid’s Halton – who is preaching this morning.

Sung Compline

This Tuesday at 8:30pm in the church.

Pilgrim Course

If you are interested in a daytime session, time as yet negotiable but probably after the Eucharist on Wednesday mornings, please sign the list in the church or email us.

The Eucharist

If you are keen to know more about the Eucharist there will be a session on Sunday 16th June in the afternoon. This may be of particular interest if you have just begun receiving the bread and wine or are thinking about doing so. Adults and children welcome. Please sign the list at the back of the church or email us for more information.

Magazine Deadline

The deadline for the July Magazine is next Sunday please after the 10:00am service.

Mothers’ Union

There is no branch meeting this month as Wednesday is the Annual day out.

Coffee and Cake

In the Community Centre from 10:00am until 12:00pm on Saturday 15th June in aid of the Mothers’ Union AFIA project which funds holiday caravans for families in need. Please support this.

Notices for 26 May 2019

Welcome and Thank You

Welcome to Christine Bandawe who is Presiding at the 10:00am service today. She recently retired from Seacroft Team Ministry.

Ascension Day Sung Eucharist

7:30pm this Thursday 30th May.

Everyone is welcome but if you have been involved in Faithbook, Pilgrim or FISH over the past year you may also see it as an opportunity to come and give thanks to God for the way He nurtures and cares for us.

Pilgrim Course

If you are interested in a daytime session, time as yet negotiable but probably after the Eucharist on Wednesday mornings, please sign the list in the church or email us.

The Eucharist

If you are keen to know more about the Eucharist there will be a session on Sunday 16th June in the afternoon. This may be of particular interest if you have just begun receiving the bread and wine or are thinking about doing so. Adults and children welcome. Please sign the list at the back of the church or email us for more information.

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer event taking place between Ascension Day and Pentecost.

If you are interested details of how you can participate can be found online and there is also an event at Ripon Cathedral at 3:30pm on 2nd June.

Don’t Forget the Spring Fair

From 1:00pm to 4:00pm this Saturday 1st June. Please support this event.

Thank You

Thank you from Grace Murphy and her friends to everyone who supported their Bake Sale. They raised £293.00 towards the Sunshine Sam Appeal.

Notices for 19 May 2019

Baptisms Today

Oscar Benjamin Coleman, Jack Phillip Bevan and Olivia Boyes.

The Meeting Place

From 4:00pm to 5:00pm today when “Mary and Martha” is the theme for a new way of exploring and celebrating the Eucharist. All ages welcome and a creche will be available.

Pilgrim Course

If you are interested in a daytime session, time as yet negotiable but probably after the Eucharist on Wednesday mornings, please sign the list in the church or email us.

The Eucharist

If you are keen to know more about the Eucharist there will be a session on Sunday 16th June in the afternoon. This may be of particular interest if you have just begun receiving the bread and wine or are thinking about doing so. Adults and children welcome. Please sign the list at the back of the church or email us for more information.

Ascension Day Sung Eucharist

7:30pm on 30th May.

Everyone is welcome but if you have been involved in Faithbook, Pilgrim or FISH over the past year you may also see it as an opportunity to come and give thanks to God for the way He nurtures and cares for us.

Play and Praise

Tuesday at 10:00am in the church.

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer event taking place between Ascension Day and Pentecost.

If you are interested details of how you can participate can be found online and there is also an event at Ripon Cathedral at 3:30pm on 2nd June.

Thank You

A big thank you from Jean and Joan to everyone who supported their Coffee Morning, which raised £287.00 towards the Spring Fair.

Notices for 12 May 2019


Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Alison.

The Meeting Place

4:00pm to 5:00pm next Sunday 19th May when “Mary and Martha” is the theme for a new way of exploring and celebrating the Eucharist. All ages welcome and a creche will be available.

June Magazine

The deadline for articles is after the 10:00am service today please.

Ascension Day Sung Eucharist

7:30pm on 30th May.

Everyone is welcome but if you have been involved in Faithbook, Pilgrim or FISH over the past year you may also see it as an opportunity to come and give thanks to God for the way He nurtures and cares for us.

Mothers’ Union Prayertime

Wednesday at 10:10am in the church.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or e-mail [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.

Notices for 5 May 2019


Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Alison.


There is a baptism today of Emma Kate Norbury-Robinson.

Compline by Candlelight

On Tuesday at 8:30pm in the church. Everyone welcome.

Coffee Morning

On 11th May at 5 Templegate Crescent from 10:00am until 12 noon. Jean and Joan would love to see you there to help them raise funds for the Spring Fair.

June Magazine

The deadline for articles is next Sunday 12th May, after the 10:00am service please.

Thank God It’s Friday

A chance to drop in and unwind after a busy week, this Friday in the side room of the Brown Cow from 6:00pm until 11:00pm.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or e-mail [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.

Notices for 28 April 2019


Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Alison.

Annual Parish Meetings

These are on Tuesday at 7:45pm in the Community Centre. They are preceded by a Said Eucharist at 7:00pm in Church. Nomination forms for Churchwardens, PCC members and Sidespersons are available at the back of the church.

Mothers’ Union

Meeting on Wednesday at 2:00pm, when Jane McHale will be talking about Eckersley House. Friends welcome.

Coffee Morning

On 11th May at 5 Templegate Crescent from 10:00am until 12 noon. Jean and Joan would love to see you there to help them raise funds for the Spring Fair.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or e-mail [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.

Notices for 21 April 2019


Nurture is an important part of our life at St Mary’s. If you would like to learn more about your faith please speak to Alison.


Welcome to Gordon Cooper who is presiding at the 8:30am Said Eucharist today and Andrew Tawn who is preaching at the 10:00am Sung Eucharist.

Annual Parish Meetings

These are on 30th April at 7:45pm in the Community Centre. They are preceded by a Said Eucharist at 7:00pm in Church. Nomination forms for Churchwardens, PCC members and Sidespersons are available at the back of the church.

Dementia Awareness Training

This Saturday 27th April at 2:00pm in the church. This is open to anyone interested in knowing how we can help dementia sufferers take part in the life of our Church and community.

Need help publicising a Church event?

Please contact the Communications Team. See David Waddington or e-mail [email protected].

Are you new to St Mary’s?

Please collect one of our welcome leaflets or have a look around our website where you will find lots of important information about the life of our Church.