St Mary’s Church, Whitkirk has a number of policies that govern how we do things. You can find the latest version of all our publicly available policies linked here.

Policy nameLast updated/reviewed
Parish Health and Safety Policy21 April 2024
Fire risk assessment: The church21 April 2024
Fire risk assessment: Community Centre21 April 2024
Community Centre Charging Policy23 July 2023
Community Centre Booking Form (inc. Terms and Conditions)23 July 2023
Environmental Policy and Strategy21 July 2024
Privacy and Data Policy21 July 2024
Data Management Policy21 July 2024
Policy for Expenditure Approval Authorities27 February 2024
Safeguarding PolicyJanuary 2024
Recruitment of Ex-offenders7 June 2023
Legacy policy29 March 2024
Compliance Team Terms of Reference19 May 2023