It’s been quiet on the tech front, but things are going to start getting busy again as we approach Advent and have to start thinking about things like carol concerts!

Fun on (and off) the stage

We do a lot of stuff in the church building, but we also take care of technology over in our Community Centre. Over the past week we’ve been thinking about work we need to do on stage to tidy things up and make it more usable for more people.

This is a big job which we’ll be breaking down and tackling in multiple stages, but we’re starting by rearranging some wiring to tidy things up. This is particularly a problem in the stage right corner where a tangle of cables is not only making it look a mess but is also making it unintuitive to use, hard to troubleshoot and is causing interference.

At the moment we’re still narrowing down exactly what we want to do on paper, thinking about our various Community Centre users to make sure we’re covering as many use cases as possible, and thinking about the future to make sure we don’t need to re-do this kind of work for a good few years.