The twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 30 August at 10.00 am

Help Wanted: St Mary's Harvest Lunch

We are looking for volunteers to help on Sunday 1 October to set-up, serve lunch and clear away.

If you are able to help in any way please contact Sue, Giles, Joan, Viv or Elaine, or Matthew if you’re unsure who these people are.

Open Church

This Saturday 2 September at 2.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

St Mary’s is open on Saturday afternoons throughout the summer – come and explore the historic building, or sit and enjoy the stillness of this holy place.


Thursday 7 September at 7.30 pm
The Smeaton Room, St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

On Thursday nights in September we’ll be meeting and having a chat about what it means to be a Christian, who Jesus is and why following Him makes a difference.

Thank God It's Friday

Friday 8 September at 6.00 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Unwind at the end of the week with us – drop in to grab a drink, play some games, order a takeaway, or even just to chat.

Heritage Open Day

Saturday 9 September at 10.00 am
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Come and explore the history of our ancient church building, the people who have stepped through its doors and shaped the area, and the items within it.

The Whitkirk lecture: Down the Aisles of History

Friday 15 September at 7.30 pm
St Mary's Church Whitkirk Community Centre

Temple Newsam to Seacroft, Manston to Austhorpe: a journey through time, connecting people and places along the way.

An illustrated lecture by Dorothy Schofield. Refreshments available from 7.00 pm, and after the talk.

The Church family

For your prayers

The sick

  • Bob Perkin
  • Brian and June Sutcliffe
  • Christine Russell
  • Dale Bowes
  • Dinesh Shah
  • Erica Honeybone
  • Ginny Camponi
  • Jean Noble
  • Jeff Blowers
  • Joan Williams
  • Kath Parkinson
  • Mona Illingworth
  • Shane Simpson
  • Tom Heaphy

Those in long-term care

  • George Brown
  • Jennifer Moad
  • Lyn Perry
  • Margaret Burton

Recently died

  • Mary Metcalfe

Anniversary of death

  • Edward Guy Cox
  • Ronnie Butterworth