The second Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the second Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Messy Church
Today at 4.00 pm

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 12 June at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the third Sunday after Trinity
Next Sunday 16 June at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
we give you thanks and praise
that your call to this ministry has been answered.
Holy Spirit, encourage and inspire Claire
as she prepares to serve you in this parish;
open our arms and our hearts
that she might find a warm welcome;
and guide us all to nurture each other
as we journey together with Christ.

Pray your Part

The General Election will be a moment for the nation to ask important questions about the future. Pray Your Part is an invitation from the bishops of the Church of England to encourage prayer and participation in the life of our nation and communities, both as voters and as citizens.

This 21-day journey of prayer and reflection (from Friday, 14 June until Election Day on 4 July) is designed for use in the run-up to the UK General Election. Each day explores a different theme, with a short Bible reading, reflection and prayer for a different aspect of our common life.

Pick up your prayer booklet at the back of church, or head to to sign up for daily emails.

Open Church

This Saturday 15 June at 2.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

Our doors are open and all are welcome to come and visit St Mary’s. Whether you want to explore our ancient architecture, just pop in and have a look around or sit and enjoy this holy space, we’d love to see you.

Open Church Teddy Bear Trail

This Saturday 15 June at 2.00 pm
St Mary's Church, Whitkirk

A group of teddy bears have decided to move in to St Mary’s, and we need your help to find them all! Discover some of the roles behind every Sunday at Whitkirk as you check off each one of our friendly bears in this teddy trail for all ages.

The Church family

For your prayers

The sick

  • Alec Milner
  • Anne Burton
  • Billy Messruther
  • David Burton
  • Ginny Camponi
  • Jean Parker
  • Kath Parkinson
  • Marilyn Ingram
  • Mike Jackson
  • Richard Musgrove
  • Shirley Thompson
  • Tom Heaphy

Those in long-term care

  • George Brown
  • Jennifer Moad
  • Margaret Burton
  • Sandy Leaf

Anniversary of death

  • Clifford Jones