The fourth Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist for the fourth Sunday after Trinity

Today at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

Other services

Said Eucharist
This Wednesday 26 June at 10.00 am

Sung Eucharist for the fifth Sunday after Trinity
Next Sunday 30 June at 10.00 am · Watch the service · View the order of service

A prayer for vacancy

Heavenly Father, Good Shepherd of all,
we give you thanks and praise
that your call to this ministry has been answered.
Holy Spirit, encourage and inspire Claire
as she prepares to serve you in this parish;
open our arms and our hearts
that she might find a warm welcome;
and guide us all to nurture each other
as we journey together with Christ.

Christian Aid Week 2024

This year between online donations and giving envelopes St Mary’s Church has helped to raise a whopping £1,274 for Christian Aid. These generous donations will be used to tackle poverty across the globe, helping give families and communities food security, better health, safer homes, increased resilience and hope for the future.

Thank you to all who have donated, and if you haven’t donated but would like to you can still give online at

The Church family

For your prayers

The sick

  • Alec Milner
  • Billy Messruther
  • David Burton
  • Ginny Camponi
  • Jean Parker
  • Marilyn Ingram
  • Mike Jackson
  • Richard Musgrove
  • Rob Howard
  • Shirley Thompson
  • Tom Heaphy

Those in long-term care

  • George Brown
  • Jennifer Moad
  • Margaret Burton
  • Sandy Leaf

Recently died

  • Gordon Petty
  • Malcolm Shawl
  • Mike Dickson

Anniversary of death

  • Douglas Colby
  • Jonathan Mills
  • Pam Wood
  • Patrick Parkinson
  • Winnie Kowolik